kukukuk's forum posts
Is the Elite worth the price over the Premium? I could get a Premium and use the extra money to get a WiFi adapter with it as well, but I am still uncertain. Does anybody have anything to add that I am missing that would help me with my decision?
lol...well your tips are all very...interesting :lol:
thanks again for all the help...how much does a warrenty cots? like, im not gonna be paying like 50 bucks for a warrenty, ill pay like 20 bucks for one at the most...:p
Are you still going to go with Guitar Hero 3 instead of Rock Band? If it is the fact that Rock Band costs about 70 dollars more than Guitar Hero, just chip in the rest of the money since someone else is buying it for you if they do not want to pay that much.
if you live in canada, then it got pushed back to that date i beliveSaintsRowSam
It only got pushed back to the 17th (ship date) here.
Edit: I meant 17th of December in case there is any confusion.
Admit that Halo 3 is an awesome looking game...never heard of it. Is this for N64?
Nice to hear your opinion. I think the game should have gotten a 10 but I dont get paid to review games so I'm not going to question Gamespot's judgement.
I was a Sega child though when I was around 2-4 years old and I wish Sonic was as well designed as Mario still is. Anyway, I look forward to Super Mario Galaxy as I believe it will be the most refreshing and amazing experience in a long time.
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