@theteaface @l777l Then what are you (still) accusing him of? Did he say that they are all the same? He proposed to compare them.
At worst he implied that heterosexual white male (white supremacy) is the same as black, brown, Asian etc. -- So you're original accusation is erroneous any way. You jumping to your original accusation might indicate that you're prejudicial, thus turning your own accusation against you. Ironic.
@bluefox755 Another comment, which I just posted, has disappeared. Is it possible to have some neutral moderator review the changes made to this comments section by moderators? Is there a change log?
@theteaface teaface: "Right, because everything not heterosexual white male is the same, huh? What must it be like to see the world through your eyes. Jeez"
jet: "a black panther or a brown pride or asian alliance or bible thumper video game convention"
@BlackSquare Gaymer is a catchy term, and clearly it is distinctive. What exactly speaks against having a convention that is designed to be a fun place/event especially for LGBT people? Go ahead and promote that other stuff in addition.
@bluefox755 Either the technical deficiencies are extreme, or the moderating is dubious to the point of being itself against the rules.
I've had at least one comment that was objectively built, based on principles of comparison, disappear. Several failed to be displayed to begin with. All of that refers to the comments section of this one article.
@lucien2 @l777l @pcty The convention - E3 - seems to exist to cater to those who traditionally attended it. These people are predominantly heterosexual and male. Assuming that E3 has been and is shaped around the interests of them, is that (morally) wrong?
@kohle36 @SultaN-s "You should know that the fact you had an event that didn't revolve around my wants and needs, and actually didn't involve me or ask me to participate in any way makes me feel really insecure, alright!! Don't you dare do stuff that I don't like, or I will bring my ignorance on your ass while acting like I'm the victim! Yeah bitch! I'm right because I say so!"
It appears "queerphobes" and "heterophobes" yell the same things. Who started yelling these things?
l777l's comments