@Dieknochenblume @shahdeewasahoe "It's a rule, if you're part of the group in power then you're likely blind to all the sh*t minorities and vulnerable groups have to go through everyday."
Yes, heterosexual grass is greener. Anyway, are you aware of what "the powerful group" has to go through?
@greenmz @shahdeewasahoe Compare: (1) Heterosexuals can join homosexual conventions just as homosexuals cans. Thus there is nothing wrong with homosexual conventions.
(2) Homosexuals can buy games just as heterosexuals can. Thus there is nothing wrong with games.
@Dieknochenblume "The reactions in this forum are precisely what leads vulnerable groups or minorities into creating safe places. Who could stand such dismissive attitude and statements?"
So these touching experiences are made possible by unfriendly environments: Unfriendly environments facilitate the creation of especially friendly environments.
"In the meantime, expect this sort of events to grow, because the tolerant, open and healthy group of people will always be larger and stronger."
That's absurd. Apparently you are complaining about a large intolerant group - a majority - oppressing a minority. Yet you insist that tolerant groups will always be larger and stronger. What is it now, larger and stronger, or smaller and oppressed?
l777l's comments