@bluefox755 @l777l @Dieknochenblume It'd be smarter to have one group present a coherent conception of "way 1", and another group to present a coherent conception of "way 2". Two strategically separated groups working towards the same ultimate goal. Feminism has that, too. They aren't stupid; they are powerful and have refined their approach over decades. If anything in this grand conflict qualifies as a "conspiracy" it would probably be this and not (only) "Patriarchy".
@deathstream Fiction that displays the "morally repugnant" and the "socially deplorable" has moral and social value in allowing one to examine and reflect on human nature. It plays an important role in developing one's own set, one's own code, of ethics. Thus it's an important element in unfolding and enabling individuality and autonomy. Consider Mill. There is indirect harm, at worst. Consider Plato's Republic, which marks and outlines an early attempt to engineer society by, in part, relying on the idealization and purification of fiction.
@theteaface "Being non-heterosexual isn't like your hair-colour. It's your identity."
You're implying that there's less of a problem when people form exclusive groups around characteristic traits that are relevant to their identity. So would it be alright to form an exclusive heterosexual white male group? Clearly these are kinds of traits usually essential to identity. (As a side note, consider how important their hair is to many people. Look at its valence for women, for example.)
@greenmz @l777l @shahdeewasahoe With games, according to members of the LGBT community (and historically disadvantaged women). The offering is deemed too exclusive. And not the good kind of exclusive. Surprising that there still is a good kind.
@Lightning__Evil Ladies' nights are fine. So are "LGBT nights".
Forced association, to me, appears to be a greater problem. And since talking about "boys' clubs" is considered enlightened, I'll talk about tree houses. There's a problem when boys are forced to let someone else into their tree house. Now assume that this person insists that the boys re-arrange their tree house to make it more to her liking.
Why are boys obligated to let others into their tree house; why are they obligated to re-arrange their tree house; why are they obligated to create tree houses for others?
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