Well I've finally managed to stop hyperventilating and pull myself together enough to share my thoughts on this Who :)
Firstly wooh! He's back! Yeay for Jack, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much I adore the flirty time travelling lovely. Nor how inordinately pleased I am that they wrote him back into Who.
I don't know if it was just me but I picked out a couple of things that made me squee "ooh Torchwood" throughout the episode. Obviously the hand in the jar or 'Doctor detector' as it can now be known as. Oh and how great was Martha's reaction to that?? "Oh, my, GOD! You've got a hand! A hand in a jar! A hand, in jar, in your bag!" The torchwood music when Jack is dead on the ground outside the Tardis. The two kinda ridiculous ones, (which are maybe something to add to the 'You know you're obsessed with TW when..' thread on the forum) were when the Professor mentions that he hopes the coffee will be better in Utopia (hello, take Ianto, I guarantee it'll be fabulous then), and the way Jack automatically takes the Doctors coat, just like Ianto always does for Jack. I really did squeek at that bit. Oh but the biggest one was "maybe I could meet myself." "Well, the only man you'll ever be happy with." Oh my god! He DID meet himself and fall in love! Kinda. Rusty I love you for this bit.
Told you they were odd :D
Jacks huge grin and "I've missed this" had everyone in my living room giggling and going 'awww' at the same time. Bless him.
I also liked the 'have you had work done' line, it's what everyone seems to say to JB now and it amused me that it was in the script.
France mentions in her blog that I was a little peeved at the Doctor about the pre-credit scene and I still am. Its not so much the leaving him deliberately thing, more on that later, but the grin as he does it and thinks he's left him behind again. For someone who is supposed to pride himself on being open-minded and different to the ancient Gallifreyansits amazing how much of a stuffy ar*e Ten can be at times. He knows for a fact it wasn't Jacks fault he ended up the way he is and yet the little digs and comments reflected his way through the entire episode made it sound like it was. The fact that he has known since the moment Jack was brought back to life and still just 'ignored' it makes me wonder at just how noble he really is.
So, I've still got issues with the way the Doctor is dealing with this situation. I especially find myself wondering, would he have done the same if it had been Rose in Jacks position? I also thought it was a little calous of him to offer to send Jack into the radiation without even consulting him first. Not that I think for a moment he would've refused, just seems very presumptory of the Doctor to send someone to repeatedly 'die' in a room just because he can.
I didn't like the way he shouted/snarled at Martha when she was trying to tell him about the Professors stopwatch either. Again it made me think 'would he have done that to Rose?' She was obviously shaken by it all and a little bewildered (but happy for the Doctor) that there was a possiblity they'd found another Time Lord. It seems harsh for him to speak to her like that.
Oh my god, this is like Ten bashing. I still love him loads, I just have issues with his behaviour. Saying that though I loved his 'Stop it!' everytime Jack introduced himself to someone. Nine just used to roll his eyes mostly but I kinda like the warning more. I thought all threeactors had great chemisty together too.
As for the ending. Wow. Just brilliant. It was so good that when it first went off I'd forgotten that the reason I was so excited about this episode was because of Jack and not because of the Master. Anything that can make me forget the hubby has got to be sterling television! ;)
Derek Jacobi was brilliant through out, but the scene where he turns to the camera as the master for the first timeis just amazing. As a viewer you just knew what had happened and who he was and he hadn't said a word.
John Simm was equally great I thought, and the manic energy and crazyness of a just-post-regeneration Time Lord was displayed really well. He does seem terribly sinister too. :D I do hope he doesn't die, it would be great to have him as a long standing villian for next series.
Oh and was it just me or when he asks the Doctor to say his name and he sort of whimpers 'Master' did anyone else think, albeit briefly "kinky"? No? Just me then.
So all in all, I thought it was an incredible episode with fantastic performances all through. I totally forgot to mention the dialogue between Jack and the Doctor when they're wither side of the door. That was great for me, totally sizzling and I loved the wayJack tried to ignore the Doctors question "Do you want to die." and then his responseabout seeing the people here surviving. Brilliant.
I'm off to Cardiff tomorrow to see the Arctic Monkeys and catch up with some Uni friends but have no fear I shall be back on Thursday.
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