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lady_harkness Blog

Apologies and Fobbing Avvies

I've been ridiculously busy this week and I want to apologise for not getting round to reading everyones blogs :( I'm really missing chatting to people on here. Real Life sucks. I promise I'll get some time in the next couple of days to say hi to you all and generally be polite.

So in a lame attempt to fob you off ;) I thought I'd do this quick post and stick some cute icons up here for you all :D I already know how much Kat liked the last lot, she's using one :lol:

So here we are, goodies.

(Top line of TARDIS one reads "You look younger Barrowman.")

Not technically an avvie but I love it anyway: My Time Agent wears specs:

I've also got a spoiler pic from this weeks Who of Jack but I don't want to ruin the suprise :D :D

Talk to you all soon, fingers crossed x

A Collection of Bits

Well I've not been able to make anything more than fleeting visits on here for a couple of days and I get back and find you've all written about four new blogs! Really guys, naughty naughty! How am I meant to keep up with you all when you're all so prolific?? ;)

Bit of a mish mash today, just need to occupy myself while some programs work their magic on my comp. So..hmm.. where to start?

Update: The phone number I got whilst stranded in a service station has turned out to be owned by a guy in my line of work, so he's straight out of the window :D Not that I don't trust the kind of guys I work with. I do, just not in my romantic life. Oh no. They are what I believe my mum would refer to as "Bad News."

TV: This weeks Who was great I thought, I loved the way we actually got an explanation for why Torchwood wasn't around. I was going to write a review but figured a million other people would do a better one so I'd leave it to them :) That weight of responsibility now lies with you QB, Lin, France etc :D

I finally managed to get my hands on Series 2 of Life on Mars this week and I've watched the first four episodes of that so far. I have to say I'm impressed, Gene Hunt gets funnier, Ray gets more annoying, Chris is even more dorky and adorable, and Sam gets better looking :lol: Can't wait to find out what happens at the end now.

Lin's Quiz: I must admit I'm struggling to find a suitable question to send to Lin for her quiz, I want to get one that's quite difficult to find the answer to, maybe not all that easily accessible online, but I'm having difficultly. God only knows how she's managing to write all eight billion other questions needed! She deserves a saint hood me thinks. Oh yes. (But only if I don't come last :lol: )

Music: I've spent most of the last two days with the radio on in the background, listening to the coverage of Glastonbury. I think its been great so far. Sort of punished myself a little earlier and watched the Arctic Monkey's headline set from the Pyramid Stage. I could've cried. I'm so disappointed I didn't get to see them on Tuesday. I'm hunting around for tickets for the Manchester gigs in July though and fingers crossed I'll manage to get my hands on some. It would be even better if I didn't have to pay the equivalent of the deficit of a thrid world country to get them too :D

Another of my favourite bands are headlining this weekend, The Killers, and this little clicky will take you to Mr Brightside. Go click, tis one of my favourite songs and the lyrics are amazing:

And finally I thought I'd share some of my favourite avatars (this may just be a reason to insert pics of sexy men, you have been warned.

JB semi nekkidYes that is JB, I know, I needed a cold shower too :D

manwhoreHe really is :D

*thud*Told you it was just an excuse ;)

liftIt shouldn't be sexy, but it sooo is

twI think this says it all really

And finally, two that I find humourous :D



I'll leave you with an inspiring quote from the goddess that was Dorothy Parker:

"I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound - if I can remember any of the damn things. "

In which LadyH becomes a damsel in distress

So. Hmm. I'm not in Cardiff. Oh no. Here's why.

I set off late (no need to tell you why cos its boring :) ) but still with plenty of time to get down to Wales and book into the hotel and get ready and get food and...well you see what I'm saying. I had plenty of time. Concert doesn't start until half past seven.

Forty five minutes into my journey I start heading into road works in which there is no hard shoulder and another motorway joins up with the one I'm on. Then, joy of bloody joys, my engine cuts out. All together. No hard shoulder to pull on to and a shed load of lorries and motor homes heading into my lane.

Oh how I swore. Luckily travelling at sixty miles an hour tends to mean you can jump start your car on the move. Thank god. Because did I mention THERE WAS NO HARD SHOULDER!!!!!

Thought I'd got away with it until I got out of the road works a couple of miles later. At which point my engine blows up. Yes, really. It did. Again, I was lucky as I was literally just a mile away from the services. Also I wasn't 'ded', always a bonus.

By this time I'm thinking oh god am I lucky to be alive and able to pull off somewhere with a loo (always important don't ya know, especially when you've just crapped yourself :lol: ). The road into the car park is flat and I've got enough speed left from the motorway to keep me going until I can pull into a space. Lucky, lucky me.

Last minute some complete tit in a white van pulls straight in front of the space I was just about to go into and I have to slam on the brakes. And that is it for the movement. There is no way I can even get it going enough to move into a space and I'm blocking a lane. Smoke is billowing out of the bonnet and I can smell the plastic and rubber burning. Bugger.

Luckily three knights in shining armour run over to push me into a space. (one of them was lush too ;) not that I looked. Or got his phone number *cough*)

Cue a two hour wait for the AA to turn up and tow me home. By the time I got back there was no chance of me getting into Cardiff before nine. Double buggeroo.

So here I am. At home. Not in Wales. Not going to see the Arctic Monkeys tonight. Not going down to the bay for dinner tomorrow. No sir.

In short I am not such a happy bunny, although at least I'm alive which is more than could be expected considering.

That is all.

The End of the Universe (spoilers for Utopia)

Well I've finally managed to stop hyperventilating and pull myself together enough to share my thoughts on this Who :)

Firstly wooh! He's back! Yeay for Jack, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much I adore the flirty time travelling lovely. Nor how inordinately pleased I am that they wrote him back into Who.

I don't know if it was just me but I picked out a couple of things that made me squee "ooh Torchwood" throughout the episode. Obviously the hand in the jar or 'Doctor detector' as it can now be known as. Oh and how great was Martha's reaction to that?? "Oh, my, GOD! You've got a hand! A hand in a jar! A hand, in jar, in your bag!" The torchwood music when Jack is dead on the ground outside the Tardis. The two kinda ridiculous ones, (which are maybe something to add to the 'You know you're obsessed with TW when..' thread on the forum) were when the Professor mentions that he hopes the coffee will be better in Utopia (hello, take Ianto, I guarantee it'll be fabulous then), and the way Jack automatically takes the Doctors coat, just like Ianto always does for Jack. I really did squeek at that bit. Oh but the biggest one was "maybe I could meet myself." "Well, the only man you'll ever be happy with." Oh my god! He DID meet himself and fall in love! Kinda. Rusty I love you for this bit.

Told you they were odd :D

Jacks huge grin and "I've missed this" had everyone in my living room giggling and going 'awww' at the same time. Bless him.

I also liked the 'have you had work done' line, it's what everyone seems to say to JB now and it amused me that it was in the script.

France mentions in her blog that I was a little peeved at the Doctor about the pre-credit scene and I still am. Its not so much the leaving him deliberately thing, more on that later, but the grin as he does it and thinks he's left him behind again. For someone who is supposed to pride himself on being open-minded and different to the ancient Gallifreyansits amazing how much of a stuffy ar*e Ten can be at times. He knows for a fact it wasn't Jacks fault he ended up the way he is and yet the little digs and comments reflected his way through the entire episode made it sound like it was. The fact that he has known since the moment Jack was brought back to life and still just 'ignored' it makes me wonder at just how noble he really is.

So, I've still got issues with the way the Doctor is dealing with this situation. I especially find myself wondering, would he have done the same if it had been Rose in Jacks position? I also thought it was a little calous of him to offer to send Jack into the radiation without even consulting him first. Not that I think for a moment he would've refused, just seems very presumptory of the Doctor to send someone to repeatedly 'die' in a room just because he can.

I didn't like the way he shouted/snarled at Martha when she was trying to tell him about the Professors stopwatch either. Again it made me think 'would he have done that to Rose?' She was obviously shaken by it all and a little bewildered (but happy for the Doctor) that there was a possiblity they'd found another Time Lord. It seems harsh for him to speak to her like that.

Oh my god, this is like Ten bashing. I still love him loads, I just have issues with his behaviour. Saying that though I loved his 'Stop it!' everytime Jack introduced himself to someone. Nine just used to roll his eyes mostly but I kinda like the warning more. I thought all threeactors had great chemisty together too.

As for the ending. Wow. Just brilliant. It was so good that when it first went off I'd forgotten that the reason I was so excited about this episode was because of Jack and not because of the Master. Anything that can make me forget the hubby has got to be sterling television! ;)

Derek Jacobi was brilliant through out, but the scene where he turns to the camera as the master for the first timeis just amazing. As a viewer you just knew what had happened and who he was and he hadn't said a word.

John Simm was equally great I thought, and the manic energy and crazyness of a just-post-regeneration Time Lord was displayed really well. He does seem terribly sinister too. :D I do hope he doesn't die, it would be great to have him as a long standing villian for next series.

Oh and was it just me or when he asks the Doctor to say his name and he sort of whimpers 'Master' did anyone else think, albeit briefly "kinky"? No? Just me then.

So all in all, I thought it was an incredible episode with fantastic performances all through. I totally forgot to mention the dialogue between Jack and the Doctor when they're wither side of the door. That was great for me, totally sizzling and I loved the wayJack tried to ignore the Doctors question "Do you want to die." and then his responseabout seeing the people here surviving. Brilliant.


I'm off to Cardiff tomorrow to see the Arctic Monkeys and catch up with some Uni friends but have no fear I shall be back on Thursday.


Can some tell me, why for the love of all that is holy I have had my level changed from 10 55% to Level 1 11%

Its been like this for over 24hours now.

I'm so very pissed off with this site right now.

Please excuse my rant. I hope you're all ok and happy and squeeing etc. Hugs and bug zappers to you all.

I shall be back tomorrow with reaction to Utopia once I've watched it again in the morning. My brain was melting out of my ears the first time as a result of 'teh hawttness' that was hubby dr and dr. *guh*

Random Feet

Have seen my temporary new avatar?? I think its pretty amazing, and felt the need to share it with you all. :D

I have a couple of pics I want to share. My brain isn't working all that well tonight so please excuse if I'm making no sense whatsoever! :lol:

This pic I'm sure most of you have seen. Its looks like a shot from the final episode of Doctor Who. Now I've seen this picture loads of times but only when I looked at it yet again earlier on did I suddenly gasp and realise the pub they're stood in front off was one of my many public-house-second-homes while I lived in Cardiff. I had a little spaz out about this. Just goes to show I really am blonde :D And so, I thought I'd share the pic with you, as you do :)

Not very interesting to anyone but me, but now you'll all be able to think of me sat in the bar at the back of them pissed when this is on :lol:

Someone sent me a link to this pic.(from jigglykat on LJ)Its apparantly a little sneak preview of a comic which is being done like this. How cute and sugary??

Ianto is cry because his cyberteddy is poorly, Jacks preening, the docotr is wearing 3-D specs and the cutest look of concentration ever! I nearly OD'd on the sugar content of this one pic. Tis ace.

And finally for your viewing delight this evening. Can anyone tell me whyNONE of us has picked up on this screen shot from the show???

What the hell???

Hubby return(who's looking a little rough in the above pic if I'm honest) : 2days 19hours 13minutes

That is all. ;)

Ideas For The Revelation

Don't read on if you don't want to know some of the ideas floating around the t'interweb about what the big 'reveal' about Jack is in Dr Who. I stumbled upon these but they're not really spoilery so I wasn't too upset :D

I'd like to know your take on some of these (the more likely ones obviously, not the way out there never gonna happen ones, included purely because I like a laugh as much as the next gal )

So here they are:

  • The TARDIS keeps Jack alive because she loves him (lets face it, he is a manwhore ;) )
  • He has been involved/fought in/caused the Time War
  • He's not from Earth
  • Jack's evil/possessed/mind-controlled by You Know Who
  • He has been working for Saxon
  • There is another Ten/Jack kiss they just didn't tell us about
  • He's the Doctor's son/daughter/mother/father
  • He's actually dead
  • Jack's son/daughter/mother/father is a former companion
  • Jack is Jesus
  • Jack and Martha have met before (don't know why this would cause such excitement??)
  • Rose has nothing to do with Jack's immortalit
  • Jack/an ancestor did something extremely important for the history of mankind
  • His real name is something terribly funny/camp/impressive
  • He's still a Time Agent/was sent to spy on the Doctor
  • He met/travelled with/shagged another Time Lord before/after he met the Doctor
  • The TARDIS gave Jack the ability to understand Gallifreyan
  • He's a twin/there's a clone
  • Jack's not human (JBhas only stated he's no Time Lord)
  • He's the Face of Boe
  • He's You Know Who (no, not that one)
  • He's the 12th/13th incarnation of the Doctor
  • Jack has always been You Know Who
  • He's a/the TARDIS
  • He's a Cylon
  • He's Adam/Davros/the Bad Wolf
  • Emergency Spare Back-Up Pilot or Embryonic Humanoid-TARDIS
  • Jack is being kept alive because Rose is still alive, and when she dies he will either:
    a) die OR b) Lose his immortality
  • JB only denied that Jack is a Time Lord. But (and please correct me if I've got my canon wrong) aren't there civillian Gallifreyans too? And JB is enough of a geek to pull the all Time Lords are Gallifreyans, but not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords logic.
  • Jack isn't human, he's the Doctor's libido incarnate
  • It wasn't the Time Agency that wiped his memories it was a Time Lord/The Doctor

I like the Cylon theories, because proving that -with my limited knowledge of BSG - would mean we'd have to see him a) naked and b) shagging... ;)

What's your favourite? :D

Update: Hubby returns in approx 3 Days 19 Hours 58 Mins according to the clock I do not have on my desktop

New Trailer

Before I go and reply to the comments from yesterdays blog :D I thought I'd drop in with this.

The BBC this afternoon placed a slightly different Utopia trailer on their website:

Just thought I'd share incase anyone didn't know about it :D

P.S. 'Hubby' is back in approx 4 days 21 hours 59 minutes and 28 secs according to the Utopia countdown clock I really don't have on my desktop ;)

Confusing Questions

I was asked this morning who my favourite Doctor was between Nine and Ten. To my complete suprise I didn't know the answer. I'd always assumed that I would pick Ten, mainly because he's hot and I'm shallow like that :D, but I'd never really thought about it properly.

When I did, I couldn't pick. I love DT's bouncy enthusiasm and 'timey-whimy' type moments and I also like his quiet determinism and his 'no second chances' mantra. However I find I'm still in love CE's Doctor too. I love his swagger, his deliberate-goofyness, his scowls and glares. I love how broken he his by the Time War and what he did. The fact that he mentions he didn't survive through choice intrigues me and makes me want to hug him and slap him at the same time.

On a shallow note there's also something attractive about Nine that I'd never consciously taken notice of before. Chris has an incredibly distinctive and intelligent face and very expressive eyes. I for one find that attractive.

So I can't even pick a side by reverting back to my LadyHarkness persona and being a tart.

So who's your favourite? Nine or Ten? Why'd you pick that one above the other? I'm curious to see if other people have these problems :)

I also find myself close to saying I can't decide which companion I prefer anymore. Rose was lovely but after Martha's performance in the recent double bill... well I just don't know anything about myself anymore!!!

In other TV news:

I've said it in QB's blog, I'm so glad Katie has backed out of The Apprentice as I thought she was an awful,vindictive excuse for a woman. Why do some women feel they have to emmulate men to be successful? We don't need to turn ourselves into cheating, lying, spouse stealing nasties to prove that we have as much worth as men.

I've managed to completely avoid watching BB8 and I'm very proud. I was listening to the radio in the shower last night and they were going on about something that had happened. I was comforted by the knowledge that I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about :D Only another 800 weeks of it to avoid.

Notice how I haven't mentioned anything about Utopia?? How good am I being? No squees, no shouting at the Doctor, nothing.

Six days to go til the 'hubby' returns btw :lol:

I'm taking my mum to a Simon Webbe concert tonight as she absolutely adores him and I'm nice like that ;). I hope he takes his shirt off. I really really do. :D

Oh and I've gone up to level 10. Which is nice. I'll get round to some subs one day and get to a decent level. One day.

Lookit! Lookit! Edited. New Improved pt 2

Check out my sexy banner :D

That's me and my better half ladies and gents. Oh yes. The Captain and Lady Harkness cordially invite you into their lewd world.

Many millions of thanks to a_spod. What a god. There are apparantly things wrong with it but I can't see any of them and I love it so much.

I'm squeeing. Oh yes.

So, welcome to Lea and Jack's world of smut and disregard for personal space. You'll have a ball :D


I've been chastised for putting the unfinished banner on display by a_spod. But like I said, I got so excited I couldn't help it. However, if it's possible I think I love this one even more! I GOT A TARDIS!!! W00t. Amazing. Or as Nine would say "Fantastic"!