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lady_harkness Blog

Scrabbling Around

So, here's the deal ladies and gents, I want a banner for my blog. I know what I want it to say. I know the two pictures I want on it.

Here's the problem. I'm crap. I have no photoshop type thingy at my disposal.

I'm asking for your help. As pretty much everyone I've ever spoken to on here is better than me with the whole internety thing (don't get me wrong, I'm a beast with the rest of the computer stuff, just never got around to teaching myself anything but the basics in regards to the t'interweb *sighs at self*).

Does someone know of a site I can use to get my desired result? Or anything that might help me? I'm totally stuck on where to go. Also one of the pics is sorta soft focus and the other isn't, is that gonna make it look rubbish??

I was going to use a ready made one that I found but the dimensions are wrong, and when I tested it, it looked rubbish frankly. So I want a custom made thingy doodah.


In other news, last ep of Desperate Housewives; I squeed with the Gabbys new husband thing. Yeay, sceaming!Gabby is made of win, bring her visciousness back. It is ace. Lynette I've never liked so I'm saying nothing about her. Bree I adore and would like to marry and how unfair is it that someone can look that good when she's that pregnant?? Yet another reason why Marcia Cross rules the picket fences.

Loved loved loved Dr Who, the little book he was writing was amazing and I screeched out loud at the drawings of the previous doctors. Brilliant. Looking forward to it all coming crashing down this week though. I do love a bit of destruction Who styley. Oh and can anyone tell me where I know the kid who nabbed the stopwatch from?? Its been bugging me like crazy.

Reverting back to my usual liscentious self, the guy who plays the student who finds the ship - Banes is it? sorry I have a terrible memory when I've only seen something once :oops: - well him whoever he is, looks really hot in real life. He was in Confidential and whooee! Nice, love a bit of stubble and black hair. Divine.

Okay so this entire blog had been a major babble. Well done if you made it to the end. Have a cookie :D

I have used way too many question and exclamation marks in here.

Apologies for the terrible punctuation. :lol:

A Life Line of Sorts

I intended to use this blog as a chance to have a rant about Dr Who. The usual praise and grumble type thing. However the most extrodinary thing happened to me today and I've been on a cloud of love every since. Well, maybe not that extrodinary but you'll see why it made me smile I think.

Had a few home truths revealled regarding certain people close to me recently and I was feeling generally sorry for myself and be-moaning human nature. As you do. All these revelations came to a head today when pieces of a rather depressing story fell into place. (I don't need to bore you with all that, just setting the scene. Stay with me guys :) ) However not long after this I received a present in the post. One of my friends had sent me a compilation cd that they'd put together for me. It's labelled my 'cd of shame' because it's all the cheesy and old fashioned kind of music that I adore but my mates tease me about. It's got stuff like Glen Miller and Cole Porter and sappy show tunes and early 90's ballards, and dodgy dance tunes, on it. She's put it together for me and sent me it, just because she could.  

Now I just found it such an amazing gift. To me it was worth a thousand extravagent and expensive presents.

So what I'd like to be the thought for the day, before I snap out of my haze and return to my cynical, sarcastic and overly randy state, is this: no matter how mad you are at people, or how much the world is plotting against you, or how lonely you feel, there is always someone out there who's thinking of you as their friend. Just remember how many people you think are fantastic and great to know and how many people you admire. There are probably just as many who think the same about you. There is always someone who loves you enough to take the piss and make a cd of shame for you. :lol:

And so ends my sugary rant. Take care of yourselves guys. You're all amazing.

LadyH x

(in next weeks episode more sarcasm, dashed hopes, and Dr Who rants I promise ;) )

Utopia Clip

There are no spoilers here. I can't form sentances adequetely due to my rage. 


There was a short clip from Utopia tonight. I have no doubt this will be on youtube tomorrow for everyone who didn't see the johnathon ross show. I just just have to say... well... I'm not gonna say anything until it's been passed around and other people have seen it but... but... he saw... and..and...

 One word... B*stard.


I am truely distressed about that little bit. End of clip was quite funny but... b*stard.

Little Bit of Continuity Edit for Matt (in blue)

Hello hello everyone. I am in a ridiculously good mood today, even after a disasterous shopping trip where I managed to purchase not one pair of shoes. Must be something in the air. I'm giddy too. Just a warning for the rest of this blog.

Before I answer all you lovely peoples 'question three' from the last blog I'd just like to say thanks for your replies to the Ianto question. I'm so incredibly glad that everyone agreed with me that Jack was just saying 'don't bloody go there'. Every one of my friends had a different interpretation and as far as I'm concerned now mine was right. So ner to them all. The peoples have spoken and so it is now canon. :) It was not jealousy, nor suprise, nor Ianto hiding his realtionship with Jack, nor any of the other silly things that they came up with.  HA! :lol:

Now onto the questions:

I have to put this little bit in because Matt being the little darling that he is ;) decided not to join in with everyone else and add a question after the last blog!!! He asked it in this one instead :D

So matt asked: What was your best memory from childhood? I've had to think about this loads, it's so difficult to pin something like that down, but I've (somehow) come up with one thing. We had a day out with family and school when I was around six and we went to this sort of farm and adventure play ground thing. It was massive. It was amazing, I'd never been anywhere that let you climb all over everything before! I went with my mum and grandad and best friend and just had the time of my life. I've already said I was a massive tomboy when I was little, so you know, climbing! and getting dirty!! and riding horses and feeding cows. What a day.

Oh and I just have to add a_spod I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar. Its a red bowl!! :lol:

Lin asked what book best sums up my life? I've been thinking about this all day and I cannot honestly come up with anything. I'd love to say Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre. Unfortunately my initial response of Rob Grant's Incompetence is closer to the truth. :D

France asked what is the one thing I do every day without fail? Hmmm, I think the only thing I consciously do every day is clean my nails, even when I'm on exercise. Which might sound very girly and prissy, probably is thinking about, but I really don't like my hands and this kinda makes me feel a little better about them. Also I don't think anything looks worse than women with dirty nails. Unless they're busy and doing stuff that means their nails have to get dirty obviously :) This one answer makes me feel like I'm being mean to my fellow femmes. 

Oh and of course you can come to Ibiza with me and my girlies France :D

Mysteryfox (ace name btw :) ) asked who is the person I'd most like to meet alive or dead? Now as tempted as I am to be obssessive and say John Barrowman I'm not going to, cos I've already kinda met him twice. So, seriously...hmmm I don't think I can decide between Elizabeth I, Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde. I admire them all too much to pick a favourite.

Katzarr shouted at me for having a Backstreet Boys cd :oops: and asked what is my true colour? My god you people ask hard questions!! I'd like to think it was yellow but it's probably red.

QB is going to share naked JB on a doorstep with me :) and asked if I only had thrity minutes to live what would I do? Now I'd like to be all noble about this and do something worthy but what would be more likely is that I'd have a quickie, get rid of embarrassing items I didn't want my mum to find when she cleared out my stuff and then say bye, thanks and I love you to friends and family. :lol: maybe I'd listen to a couple of favoutire songs while I was 'en flagrante' just to jam in an extra pleasure. Oh dear. I'm going to hell.

Pennyrua just laughed at me :) which if I'm honest is totally understandable!

So my dear people there you have it. I will completely understand if you now want to disown me. Although I'll be a little miffed if I loose the 20 friends butterfly button thingy cos it's cute. Lin can't disown me though because we have too much in common now AND I gave her a medal. So she's stuck with me!

My question three to all of you was going to be something rude but I've decided to behave and ask; what are your favourite lines from a song? Doesn't have to be limited to just one set if you have a couple of faves. :)

Hope you're all ok by the way :D

More Shameless Pilfering

Stolen from shawnlunn to pass a bit of my time this freezing rainy evening. I'm being denied alcohol and I'm not too happy about that. 


1) Are you in a complicated relationship? No, it's not complicated. I know he's a complete git. :lol:

2) How about a serious/happy relationship? It is most certainly not either of those, no.

I know it's weird but there's no number 3. You guys, ask me something in your comments, ok? (All questions will be collected and answered in a separate blog)

4) How many houses have you lived in? 8 (woah, that's sounds like loads, I'm a gypsy!)

5) Favorite candy bar? Anything Lindtt

6) Have you ever tripped someone? I proabably have yes.

7) Least favorite school subject? R.E. Very dull. Or maybe cooking, that was boring as hell too.

8 )How many pairs of shoes do you own? You seriously expect me to count them all? I don't think I have the time this week to collate that information sorry ;)

9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? God no.

10) Have you ever thrown up in public? 'Fraid so.

12) Favorite genre of music? Don't have a single favourite I'm afraid. I like too many different types.

13) Whats your zodiac sign? Scorpio - ruled by the planets of sex and war I do believe. Which explains alot about my life if I'm honest.

14)What time were you born? Half past nine on a saturday night

15) Do you like beer? Do you mean beer like bitter? I can take it or leave it. If this means beer as in lager than yes I do but not Fosters. As fosters is an acronym for piss in a glass and let some poor sod buy it.

16) Have you made a prank phone call? In my mis-spent youth.

17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? Hmmm. I dunno. Maybe a 911 single from when I was little.

18 ) Are you sarcastic? Is the pope a prada wearing free-loader?

19) What are your favorite color(s)? Teal and turquiose I think

20) How many watches do you own? Three, 2 bling ones and then a proper one for work.

21) Summer or winter? Summer everytime. I hate being cold. I'm wearing a scarf right now I'm so cold. Its May people!!! What is going on??

22) Is anyone in love with you? Ha! So he says. I know someone in lust with me if that counts.

23) Favorite color to wear? Err... brown or black.

24) Pepsi or Sprite? Sprite

26) Where is your second home? Barcelona

27) Have you ever slapped someone? Yup. I prefer to punch though. I find it gets the point across quicker. (this stuff was part of my job training before everyone starts to think I'm a thug *blush* )

(no 28 either?)

29) How many lamps are in your bedroom? One, its wood and leather and linen and it's my reading lamp.

30) How many video games do you own? None, although I'm considering buying an Xbox 360 just for lego star wars and viva pinata. I really am that immature :D

31.) First pet you owned? Rabbit if you don't count the stick insects my mum and dad didn't know about.

32) Ever had braces? No I wish I had though. I hate my teeth.

33) Shampoo you use? John Freida's blonde range.

34) Do you use chapstick? Well vaseline in those handy little tins.

35) Name 4 teachers from grade school: What's grade school? Is that Junior? I'll take it as if it is... er Mrs Gardner, Mrs Dunn, Mrs Carver, Mr Steele. God that brings back memories!

36) American Eagle or Abercrombie? Abercrombie, sexy half naked shop boys :) I love that store :lol: it's like the torchwood of the shopping world.

37) Are you too forgiving? With very close friends and my little brother yes.

38 ) How many children do you want? I'll take the zero box please.

39) Do you own something from Hot Topic? Que? J'nais comprends pas

40) Favorite breakfast meal? Toast with butter and a cup of very strong tea or real fresh coffee

41) Do you own a gun? I have a rifle that's my responsibility. He's called Charlie. I own it only in the sense that when I'm cleaning it and I loose bits I have to pay for them replacing.

42) Ever thought you were in love? A coupla times.

43) When was the last time you cried? yesterday watching doomsday for only second time. Man that ep is sad.

44) What did you do last night? Had a pamper bath, watched some who, phoned some friends 

45) Olive Garden? Haven't got one of those no ;)

46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy? Good lord I hope not.

47) Have you ever been in a castle? Yeh loads of em. I'm a bit of an historical sites whore if I'm honest :)

48 ) Nicknames? BB, QA, LadyH, Guinevere (Thang yew a_spod), Spadge, Floss

(Where are 49. 50 and 51?)

52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? Yup

53) Ever called somebody Boo? No, should I have?

54) Do you smoke? It's my vice when I'm angry I'm afraid.

55) Do you own a diamond ring? Yes.

56) Are you happy with your life right now? No not at all. Roll on the end of the year.

57) Do you like your hair? It's alright. Bit mad some days. I like the colour.

58 ) Who is the one person who can make you happy any day? My brother, he's amazing.

60) What were you doing in May of 1994? I was only a kid, I can't remember. More than likely climbing trees and playing pranks.

61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? Oh god! I do. Eeek. It's one of the lovely dovey singles I think. *is mortified*

62) Mcdonalds or Wendys? Not too fussed bout Mcd's never had a wendy's

63) Do you like yourself? Most of the time I tolerate myself :)

64) Are you closer to your Mother or Father? Heh. Depends if my mum is having a menopausal day if I'm honest.

65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? Smile, eyes, bum ;)

66) Are you afraid of the dark? Not at all, love it, specially when there's someone fit sharing it with me :lol:

67) Have you ever eaten paste? What kind of paste? toothpaste? yes. wallpaper paste? no

68 ) Do you own a webcam? No, I can't trust myself when I'm drunk. heehee

69) Have you ever stripped? Not professionally

70) Ever broke a bone? Yup, collarbone. Man it hurt for months.

71) Do you have a cell phone? It's permanantly attatched to me I'm afraid.

72) Do you chat on AIM often? Not often

73) Pringles or Lays? Pringles, I really can't stop you know

74) Have you ever had your heart broken? Afraid so.

75) Ever had a wish come true? A couple. Still waiting on JB to turn up on my doorstep naked though

77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor? Didn't have one, maybe that's where I went wrong :)

78 ) Ever kiss in the rain? Yep, I love it :) dancing too. I'm odd like that.

79) Do you have any pets? A beautiful little black cat. She's tiny and adorable. She also acts more like a dog. She is odd.

80) Do you own a car? Yep :) It's called Ianto.

81) Can you cook?I can but I don't enjoy it so I don't do it.

82) 3 things that annoy you? Bad manners, discrimination, hypocrites.

83) Do you text message often? Yes, it's the easiest way to keep in touch with everyone I know. And the cheapest way to arrange nigths out etc.

84) Money or love? Tried love and it bit me in the ass, so I'll go for money for awhile if you don't mind.

85) Do you have any scars? Loads, I was a tom-boy and played loadsa sport so it comes with the territory I'm afraid.

86) What do you want more than anything right now? To be in Ibiza on a beach, relaxing with my girls

87) Do you enjoy scary movies? If they have an original concept otherwise they just bore me I'm afraid.

88 ) Go play in traffic? I wasn't even that dumb when I was little

89) Gum? I use it on exercise.

90) Do you enjoy sweet food? Lots

91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? No, I haven't seen any of them. I'm not really into films to be honest.

92) Do you own a box of crayons? Yup along with all my other art stuff, they help me to relax.

93) Ever had sex in a public place? *blush*

94) Who was the last person you said I love you to? Family.

95) Who was the last person that made you mad? My boyfriend.

96) Who was the last person that made you cry? Billie Piper / David Tennant in Doomsday.

97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? My brother.

98 ) Who was the last person that texted you? My mate Doogal

99) Who was the last person that called you? My mate Gary.

100) Who's your cell phone provider? T-Mobile but all will change soon when I get my sparkly new Nokia 8800. Mwha ha ha.



What Do You Think?

After a discussion with my friends last night we discovered that a certain scene in Countrycide had been interpreted differently by each one of us. Hmmm. I found this intruiging.

The scene in question is the one where the team are playing stupid!Gwen's childish game 'Who was the last person you snogged'. It's the look that Jack gives Ianto after he's said Lisa and also to a certain extent the look Ianto gives Jack back. Are we following?

Well my question to you lovelies is how did you read it? What does that look mean? I'm not going to tell you what we thought because then we get into the whole leading question malarky. I will once people have let me know though :)

 I would have posted this in the TW forums but I know I'd get two responses and then we'd all go off on one about Weevil musicals and such like. As is want to happen over there. We are simply terrible at keeping on topic.

Comments are lurve :lol:

Squeeeeee and a lil bit of Oh My Word

There maybe some spoiler stuff for the Second half of the DW series currently showing, just thought I'd warn you. So don't read on. In fact, don't read on anyway, I'm just spazzing out here :lol:










Oh my good god. I just broke my own rule and decided to watch the second half of the season trailer for Dr Who from Saturday night before I've seen the epsiode I so rudely missed.

 I'd just like to say and this may just be me getting excited but:

"Was someone kissing me?"

JACK'S BACK!!!!!!!!!

No crazy, not all there, hand worshipping, Torchwood emo!jack in that trailer. Proper Jack. And, well. YEAY!!!!!

God I hope it's all as good as it looks from those little snippets.

TV on demand is screwing with my brain

Well, I'm not a happy bunny this week and its mostly due to god damn virgin media and their catch-up-tv-on-demand service. Let me explain, the weekend I went to London I had a slight panic attack when I realised that I would miss Dr Who and Any Dream Will Do (please understand I watch the latter purely to perv on John Barrowman, as Denise Van Outen et al freak me out). I was promptly calmed by my friend who assured me that I wouldn't have any problems watching both shows first thing Sunday morning on the affore mentioned techno wizardry thingy. She was right. Both shows watched before dinner on Sunday. Yeay!

This Saturday I went to Knaresbourgh for the day. No particular reason other than that it was sunny and it's a lovely little place. Unfortunately I didn't get back until after DW had finished. As I am a rubbish time keeper. Oh yes. Terrible.

So Sunday morning comes around and I bound down stairs ready to get my Who fix. What do I find?? No Doctor Who. At all. Nowhere to be found. I've been looking ever since and it's still not there. (I managed to miss it on Sunday as well. Like I say. Worst. Timekeeper. Ever.)

Totally Dr Who is on there, as is the new Dr Who Confidential. Alas no Lazarus for me. So I wait. Tortured by my own stupidity, avoiding anything Who-ish like the plague just incase I trip over spoilers (I tend to do that).

I also missed Kingdom, a programme I watch merely because of Stephen Fry, who is a god in my opinion.

I needed that little moan. :D

In other news: my boyfriend left me in the train station in Sheffield on a Saturday night for an hour and a half. (from half past eleven til one to be precise) Hmmm. Not very happy bout that.

Also, I'm contemplating taking up a friends challenge and posting a picture of myself on all my online lil places for a short period. I wonder if other people will do the same on here? Be interesting to see what everyone looks like. Not Matt though, I like the idea of him permantly walking around with a Tesco bag on his head. Almost as much as I like the idea of him being an interchangable female assistant. :lol:

Hope everyone is well and no one else is suffering a deprevation at the hands of Virgin. Grrr.

JB London

Well here I am with a few pics, sorry I haven't put these up earlier but RealLife has bit me in the ass over the last couple of days. I'll let you know about the signing tomorrow hopefully. Just grabbed a few minutes to put these up here for your delectation (is that even a word??)

He had champagne!!!

Just so you know, that's not me in the shot there :)

 How cute??

And in other news, I stumbled across one of my missing pics from my visit to Cardiff in January so I was very happy. It seems to suggest that somewhere on my comp the others are lurking. So here it is:



Yes I AM ringing Ianto's bell :lol:

No, I don't know what the HELL I'm wearing.

As Arnie said 'I may well be back tomorrow. Possibly. Hopefully. Well. We'll see.'

Shamless pilfering

I have brazenly stolen this little quiz thing and decided to inflict more or my self upon you good souls. Consider yourselves tagged by the way. Obviously not QB, as twas him I sole it from :) 

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Yeah, I was a little bit of a tom boy and the queen of dares in junior school. (Also, as I've just realised, I was plainly stupid.)

Ever made a prank phone call? Yeah. I am now embarassed about that though.

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? The last batch from my grandad in the early autumn. Homegrown tomatoes are the best, they taste divine, not like the supermarket crap. Don't like tomato ketchup though. Eurgh.

Ever thrown up in public? I'd like to say no, but I'd be telling a massive lie.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Not at all. Lust at first sight yes. But love is delicate and takes a little more me thinks.

Did you have long hair as a child? Yep, I could sit on it. It's quite long again now actually.

Most embarrassing song in your mp3 player? Kenny Logins - Footloose but it makes me happy and giddy when I hear it so I'm not really all that ashamed :)

Do you trust people easily? I have a tendancy not to as a result of many relationship messes.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yeah, used to go to an indie club on student night at college which played a half hour mosh set in the middle of the night. We just joined in. It's great fun once you get used to being punched :lol:

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? I sleep all over the bed baby ;)

Do you have a good luck charm? No, and I'd never realised that until I read this question!

First thought when your alarm goes off? oh god I gotta get up

Are your parents still together? Well yes. But then no. It's odd.

Which would you choose??? Cheese everytime. (I have no idea what this question is refering to)

Bungee jumping or sky diving? Sky diving, although I'd do bungee jumping if I had a partner to throw us off.

Chips or popcorn? Butter popcorn

Orange juice or apple juice? Apple first thing, orange for elevensies

Being a millionaire or finding true love? I've been well and truely screwed by true love so I'll try the millionaire thing for awhile please

Pepsi Or Coke? As long a they're a mixer for a Tia Maria I can't say I'm too picky

Chocolate Or Vanilla? Chocolate, unless its ice cream and then it's got to be vanilla

Day Or Night? Night, I don't function so good through the day

Hamburger Or Hot Dog? Hamburger - with cheese please

Hugs Or Kisses? Hugs

Pool or Hot tub? Pool

Saved by the Bell or California dreams? California Dreams

Hide and seek or Marco polo? Hide and Seek, what on earth is the other one about??

Can you dive without plugging your nose? yup, I can duck dive too, which is harder than it looks and makes your ears pop something rotten

Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? I do, I really do

What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? Depends who was in there with me ;)

Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings? QB says Indiana and he's a knowledgable guy so I'm going with him on this one

Do you know the words to "total eclipse of the heart"? Yes. That's a talent I didn't realise I had.

Are you an adult? Allegedly

Do you have a tan? At the moment yes but it's fading rapidly as I've been without the sun for a couple of days now :(

What are your plans for the weekend? Saturday will be hanging around in a bookstore in London oggling a beautiful man, sunday with be watching dr who and if it's nice going to a gorgeous little pub in the country with friends and generally lounging around in the park of a beer garden at the back.


Incase you can't tell I'm in a little bit of a giddy mood today. Sorry if any of the answers are a little random.