From experience, I've always thought the demos for Dead Space never came close to representing the actual games for some reason. Though I can't comment on the DS3 demo since I haven't played it.
lakersfan576's forum posts
Max Payne 3 for sure. It has great gameplay, a great story with witty dialogue, it's lengthy for a tps, and is overall great. The Witcher 2 on the other is alright, I found it really hard to get into the story, but the gameplay was intresting enough to keep me playing.
I felt the same way for the first two to three episodes. But then, something clicked. Now it is one of my favorite shows, and has even resulted in my reading of the book. So I would definitley advice you to stay with it; you won't be dissapointed.
I have:
Gurgephobia, fear of the abyss (For me, it's the ocean floor).
Altophobia, fear of heights.
That about sums it up for me, but I can deal with them.
Romeny admitted in the debate that he has never been part of the middle class, so $10,000 to him his chump change. It goes to show how out of touch he is and it should hurt him. Commander-Gree
What does being "in touch" with people have to do with economics. Economic positions are based in study, not what people covet and yet are unwilling to work for. Riddle me this, would you prefer a man who has proven he is able to handle money or a poverty-stricken fool to lead the nation?
[QUOTE="Mephers3"]They obviously have no concept of poverty or financial struggle. Or the current economic crisis most of the world is facing. BossPerson
I hope "they" is referring to politicians in general, for if not, here is a golden nugget of info for you: almost every politician is rich, including President Hope.
while i dislike obama, he is not nearly as rich as your friend romney. he doesnt have any business or other investments going on.I apologize. I did not know that Obama informs you of his investments and dealings. I'm sure glad my "friend" Romney does do! Also, I have not even commented on Romney's politics or expressed my support for his candidacy, so please, quit assuming.
First off I'm not a Republican. Secondly, Obama is also a crony capitalist that is part of the 1%. If you think Obama cares about the average worker you're kidding yourself. Obama is a corporate tool.[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"][QUOTE="Banjo_Kongfooie"]
LOL not happening. You Repubs can wish all you want but in the general Newt will be revealed as the crony 1% lizard that he is.
I find it funny as **** he thinks he can beat the President in a Lincoln debate... Does he forget that the President went to Harvard??? Lol at everyone believing that the President only uses a teleprompter (he only uses it to have his wording precise).
Atleast President Obama could stay married to the same woman. Atleast President Obama does not visciously call people invented (effectively promoting genocide as they are not real people so who cares).
And explaiin to me, what does one's personal life have to do with his ability to lead? Can a man not change his mind, not change his life. Why should one be obligated to be miserable when happiness is around the corner? Liberals, like you, preach for divorce laws, yet when one of your political enemies does choose act in accordance with established yet stigmatized laws, he is slandered and criticized.
And perhaps you should listen to his reasoning regarding his statement about Palestinians, he is, afterall, a historian. Also, did he ever claim they should all be killed? No. So please, quit gobbling up the slander the liberal media is feeding you.
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