My favorite is probably Mass Effect 2, but, hate on FFXIII as much as you want, there's no denying it had an amazing intro as well.
lakersfan576's forum posts
I hate K/D and think it has removed some of the fun factor from FPS due to WAY too many people caring about it and not playing the game mode correctly or by "camping." However I wont deny that I also do care about my K/D, just natural given my extremely competitive nature, even though i really try not to. It hardly influences the way I would play game mode. I think it would be great if they removed K/D tracking so that people could start playing for fun again, or just make it only viewable on the developer's site like it for Halo and Bungie.
Mass Effect 2 by far imo; I tried so hard to like DA:O but the boring gameplay and all the reading got to me. It's a shame that I can no longer play old-fashioned, or I should say semi-old-fashioned, games anymore. :(
Hey everyone, I got a PS3 the other day and picked up FFX just for old times sake, since I absolutely love that game, but I am unable to play it. What I am asking is it possible to obtain backwards compatibility somehow, legally of course?
The SP is just fine, and that's all I care about as the online gaming scene, no matter what the game, is largely populated by teenagers and neckbearded overweight thirty somethings who live at home with Mom. How anyone can play games with these "people" and have any fun is beyond me.SteveTabernacle
The singleplayer was actually a huge letdown in my opinion, the story felt so rushed and I felt no tie to the characters, except for SPOILER ALERT the scene after the credits where noble six fights off the elites but is pummeled in the end. Perhaps it is because I played it on Legendary and was more focused on strategy, it was not that hard though, or the fact that I kind of rushed through it, I don't know... it just didn't appeal to me.
Ever since Halo Reach was announced I would get goosebumps about it as I thought about it everyday. When the beta came out, I was on it like flies on doodoo. It was a remarkable, almost majestic, experience and I truly never had so much fun with multiplayer in any video game. I was bursting with excitement and anticipation for the final product, and when it finally arrived... I was truly disappointed. I do not think it's a bad game at all, it is quite good; however, the beta seemed so much more fun for some reason. After a couple weeks with the actual game, I got very bored and did not attempt to play it again. So basically, anyone else feel the same way?
Long story short, I enjoyed the beta a lot more than the finished product, anyone else feel the same way?
That could easily, and probably be, a fake video. Just look at the guy, he definitely has no life and would gladly spend his time pointlessly castigating popular innovations and dislikes of his. All I am saying editing a video is quite an easy task.
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