I also Love this thread,myzz that's some funny sh** and someguy,defintely a 10. I was just thinking though you bought that whole setup in a week, it was definitely well worth it but damn! I know you was very happy but a part of u was cryingcuz of that hole in ur pocket afterwards lol!
I also have a sharp aquos 42" but my blu ray movies look fantastic, and I only have two so far(the orphanage and street kings) that's because I've only had my ps3 for about a month. Yeah but you definitely have to mess with the settings cuz when I took mines out of the box a year ago I was a little dissapointed with the picture, but I messed with the color,the opc, and a couple of advance settings on and off and I am more than pleased with the outcome. Also I have my color temp to high, that made a big difference from the brownish look like somebody mentioned.
I also have a sharp aquos 42" 1080p and my blu ray dvd's look brilliant. maybe it's the settings on your tv, are u using a hdmi cable and what type of tv do u have exactly?
I'm a big fan too and I can't wait for the next one too(if they make another) They do have hitman blood money on 360 so that's next gen and I played and it was good!
Most of the games ya mention only use it a little bit, the way sony was boasting about it in their press conference a couple of months before they released the ps3 I figured most of the games would use and not just briefly, they still haven't created a game where the motion sensor is the most thing you use in the game.
I was just wondering how many games out there use the motion sensor in the ps3 controls. I know warhawk uses it and one part of mgs4 uses it but that's all I know of. Is there any more and how much games you think they will be in the future that take advantage of this.
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