It's three days into my new life as a person who owns all three consoles in one generation. I've really been spending some time thinking about the inevitible comparison that one is bound to ponder for at least a few minutes.
Now, before I get into this I want to get a few things clear. These experiences are going to be mine and apply to me and me alone. These are my personal thoughts about the pros and cons of each console and in should no way be a definitive statement of absolute truth. Just my personal experiences. Got it? Good.
- My initial impression of the PS3 is that its a powerful machine. My 360, while impressive, I don't feel this sense of awe towards it. Perhaps its the HDMI cable or just a preconceived notion but even God of War looks amazing and that's just a slightly retextered PS2 game. Drake's Fortune looks beautiful. Not great, but beautiful... like a painting is beautiful. I don't think I've ever real had such a moment with my 360 where I was literally in awe of the graphics. They're great. Don't get me wrong but the visuals on the two PS3 games that I've played have been just awesome.
- Despite a TON of people believing otherwise, I personally favor the 360 controller. It feels more solid. I'm pretty sure that the 360 will remain my primary gaming machine for multi-platform games at least in part to the controller AND...
- Even though I have to pay for what should be free, Xbox Live is hands down the superior online service. I feel comfortable with it. I'm not scared of it. It seems more dependable. After all, I'm freaking PAYING FOR IT. IT BETTER BE! The interface is better. The trophy cards that your friends see, the cards that you upload to forums and all other measures by which your achievements are tracked and displayed is AWFUL! Microsoft's is just better. Period. I know like it seems I'm getting really petty but this one just bugs the hell out of me for some reason. There's a sense of connectedness (not really a word) that I feel with my friends on XBL beacuse of how intuitive their gamercards are. Sony, because of adding trophies to answer MS's success with the gamerscore seems to have rushed their system and it seems broken or even worse... half-assed.
- I feel like a kid in a candy store. This PS3 arrived during a perfect storm of gaming in my life. I recently got promoted. I got put on salary. I get paid whether I go to work or not. I work three days a week and between Christmas, my birthday last week, and my new raise in pay I have bought and played more games in the last few months than at any point in time in my life. Even in college I didn't game this much. With that being said, I am so grateful that I can buy Greatest Hit after Greatest Hit on the cheap and play nothing but quality games that I haven't been able to play because of the absense of the PS3. Let me give you the list of PS3 exclusives that I plan to knock out in the very near future. God of War 1 & 2, Uncharted 1 & 2, MGS4, Little Big Planet, MLB: The Show, Heavy Rain (the whole reason I bought a PS3), Gran Turismo and those are just the beginning. I'm buying games faster than I can play them and I couldn't be happier.
- The Wii has clearly been forgotten. Despite buying games that both my gf and I wanted to play they just gather dust. We were thrilled to get New Super Mario Brothers Wii... we've only played it once. I've personally given up on the Wii. It's not what I thought it would be. I honestly expected it to change the way I felt about gaming. The only games I enjoy are ones where the Wiimote is a DIRECT analog to what's going on on the screen. If I'm not swinging it like a golf club or swinging it back like a bowling ball... I'm not playing it.
Ok... that's enough rambling for now.
Does anyone else feel the same? Agree? Disagree? Let me know some of your impressions of the consoles this generation. I want to know! I promise I'll protect you. :)
And remember kids, caps lock is the gas pedal to awesome.
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