I've always been a Nvidia supporter and have green blood, so ATI is not an option, there was a 5770 there for a good price, but could not push myself to buy it.
OK, So I have decided to get one of the following cards, these are my 2 choices, with all other options set aside (i.e. waiting for new Geforce series or ATI decisions set aside). My only issue is, I can get the GTS 250 for $100+ less than the GTX 260. And If I wanted to, for $50.00 more of the price that I would pay for the GTX 260 I can get 2 GTS 250s and SLI them together. But the real decision here is...is it worth the extra $100.00+ for a GTX 260??? Will it be a day and night difference? I am upgrading from my XFX 8800 GTS 320 MB. Please help.
I need input on a good card that will be a significant upgrade from my current card http://reviews.cnet.com/graphics-cards/xfx-geforce-8800-gts/4505-8902_7-32328758.html?tag=rnav. I am spending around $200.00 cdn. I am an avid fan of Nvidia, any input is appreciated. Thank you all.
OK, they are both great guys, but I love the quirkyness of Conan, go COCO!!! I've been watching both for years and I am a Leno fan as well, but Conan is the bomb in my book, plus he stands up for what is right and cares about his employees.
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