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My super-late GotY awards!

Ok I know this is really, really, late, but I wanted to do one of these but as some of you might know, I didnt play Killzone 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2 and some others, so I couldnt do a real GotY. Now that I have played all the ones I needed too(except for DA: Origins, o well) I can do an award thing. I will pick a game for my award and only give a short reason.

My bestmultiplayer gameof 2009:

Uncharted 2

I love Uncharted 2's deep multiplayer with lots of boosters and skins to unlock, great maps, and most of all, just plain fun:)

My best coop game

Resident Evil 5

I had a ton of fun playing this game with my brother, and all the cool weapons and weapon upgrades made this game quite addicting

My best singleplayer

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Of course my absolute favorite game of all time is going to win this one!

My best Graphics

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

...And Uncharted 2 STILL arguably has the best graphics of every game even today!

Best Sound:

Assassin's Creed 2

The soundtrack in this game is great! Also, the voice acting is superb. Uncharted 2 and this were pretty close, but I like AC2's soundtrack more.

Best Action/Adventure

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Probably obvious but this game deserves it!

Assassin's Creed 2 and Batman: Arkham Asylum

Best shooter

Killzone 2

Not many outstanding shooters last year except Killzone 2, which isnt outstanding, but a good game. So Killzone 2 gets the reward.

Runner up

My most dissipointing game is

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

If you've played this game, you can probaly put together all of this games failures. But I am not here to talk about how bad MW2 is, I'm telling you why I think its dissipointing. I was thinking(before it came out) that this game was going to be nothing short of amazing, and that it could be the best shooter ever made. Its not. This game dissipointed me greatly:cry:

And my GotY reward is.........


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves!
Uncharted2Preview.jpg Uncharted2Preview image by Divine1000

Of course your not suprised! Uncharted 2 is an amazing game, it looks amazing, sounds amazing, and IS amazing! Its also my favorite game of all time(which I've already said!) Uncharted 2 is more than worthy of GotY.

So there you have it folks! My short GotY awards! Yes I know I left out RPG of the year, and a few other, but as you can probably figure, I have not played those games.


I also preordered CoD: Black Ops today! The thought of being able to see my feet and create my own guy... man the temptation was too much. And most of all, I gota beastly poster!

New review; BioShock!

So yeah I wrote a review on BioShock! Check it out! O, and please no thumbs downs:)

Also, I added 2 new sections to rate overall: Story and Immersion!

The Halo: Reach beta is....

Amazing! ...Which is what you probably exected me to say, but, well, its the truth. The beta alone is better than MW2 btw:P Anyway, I think Bungie is definately going out on a very high note(this is the last Halo right?) and might have a shot at GotY, or at least shooter of the year. But, it still has lots of competition coming. Also, I'm very happy they fixed the one thing I HATED about Halo 3; Fisher-Price-made weapons. In the beta they sound and look like a gun from the furture('bout time.)

BioShock 2 arrived in the mail yesterday!

So yeah, when said it would get here in 7-12 days, I guess they meant 3 days. So, on to what I think of BS2.I'm absolutley loving it! All the annoying-in-a-good-way things in BS1 are replaced with fun things that dont interupt the flow(i'm mostly refering to the hacking minigame), and mostly everything has been improved. Everything feels even more smooth than before! I dont know what the heck GameSpot found wrong with this great game, but w/e. The story isnt quite as good as BS1's though. Thats the only thing. But, being a Big Daddy is totally awesome! I love the drill, by far my favorite weapon. Also, the dual-wielding plasmids and weapons was a brilliant idea. I've only played two rounds of the multi-player, and it was better than I thought it would be. Even though everyone run funny. I didnt encounter too much lag, the thing everyone complained about. Its doesnt have anything on Uncharted 2 or CoD4's multi-player, but I'll probably have fun with the multi for awhile. Overall amazing game.

Also, do you like my new banner and blog header?

Got BioShock 2!

Well, not quite yet actually. I bought it off of so I have to wait for it to get here, which could be 1-2 weeks. But I got free shipping so who cares?! I got it for $30 too. Awesome deal. It was on sale so that was awesome. So, since I know the Single-player is going to be awesome, hows the multi-player? Good? Bad? Ok? I'm curious.

Also, since noone bothered to check out my last review, Uncharted 2, check it out! No thumbs down please.

My Uncharted 2 started working again!

Weird. I just plugged it in after a few days and it worked(if you remember for my last blog, the weirdest thing happened...) So, I can play the single-player and multi-player both on it again! I just hope it stays working... And doesnt start pulling that crap again. Too bad I returned UDF:( O well. I'm still really liking the Orange Box, I havent tryed Portal yet, and I suck at TF2, but the game I got it for, Half Life 2, is awesome. I'll be honest... the first two levels were boring. However, I'm on the level "Noone Goes To Ravenholm..." and its AWESOME! I'm loving this level! I hope the restof the game isamazing as this level

I returned UDF... and got The Orange Box.

So yeah this unforntunate thing happened to the Uncharted series on the PS3.
So now I cant play UDF at all, and I cant play the Story mode on U2AT. Sucks.Since this issue may take awhile to solve, I retuned UDF, and got the Orange Box. I will tell you what I think of it when I beat it.

Btw I beat BioShock, and I have to say, it was one of the most breathtaking, insane, and awesome games I've ever played. It was amazing, I loved it. 10/10.

So the 2 games I got are....

Bioshock, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, which got the most votes. Well, I've started DF and its pretty good! Havent really started Bioshock yet though. I'll write a review on them one day.

Awesome new router and which of these games should I get?

So I got a new router and it seems to solve my annoying disconnection problems! So no more getting disconnected!! Woo!

And, which of these games should I get? I can only afford 2. So which 2of these should it be, Bioshock, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Resistance 2, or The Orange Box?

Bioshock: 7

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune: 11

The Orange Box: 6

Resistance 2: 1