So yeah, just preordered BF: BC2 for PS3. I tried the demo and really liked it, and a free LE upgrade was too good to pass up. And, in a few days, I will do my top 12 games, thats right, not 10, not 15, not 20, but 12. Original mirite?
legolas95 Blog
I got my PS3!!!
by legolas95 on Comments
Yay! And Uncharted 2 is utterly amazing. My brother got Killzone 2 and thats almost as amazing! So yeah, my PSNID is: HighKingOfGondor. Send me a FR!
Going to go pick up my PS3 today!
by legolas95 on Comments
This day has finally come! I'm going to get my PS3, and Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 with it! Cant wait!
Also, I played the BF: Bad Company 2 demo, and it was... AMAZING! I really got to preorder this game!
Yay! My Xbox is back! Well kinda....
by legolas95 on Comments
My Xbox is back! And guess frikkin' WHAT??!!!! ITS STILL BROKE!!! Me=mad. Very mad. I'm still waiting from an e-mail from M$ until I do anything more however.
Anyway, I still dont have my PS3 yet.:( The Government is taking forever with our tax return, which is what we're going to use to buy the PS3.
by legolas95 on Comments
My Xbox 360 BROKE AGAIN!!!!! RAGE!!!!! And to make matters worse, ITS THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM AS LAST TIME!!!!:evil: :x
Ok, the venting is out, the problem(if you remember) is that when I turn on the stupid thing, the sound will work as usually, but theres no video. Yes, I'm 98% positive that its not the cable. At least I still have warranty. So, now I'm sending it in for repairs..... again.
Anyway, there is some good news... Theres a chance that I'll get a PS3 this weekend! Joy!
Oblivion vs. Fallout 3
by legolas95 on Comments
Just Curious, which do you like more and why? I love both btw.
Oblivion: 7
Fallout 3: 5
The reason I didnt choose a GotY yet/this year
by legolas95 on Comments
Unfortunately, I havent exactly played enough games this year that are GotY worthy, like Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Assassin's Creed 2,or maybe Demon's Souls(maybe). Anyway, I may choose a "best of 2009" soon after I get my PS3 and said games. I do know, however, that Resident Evil 5 is a runner up for my GotY.
And my best game of the decade goes to.................
by legolas95 on Comments
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
I'm sure some of you saw this coming, because CoD4 is a masterpiece. Insane campaign, and addictive multiplayer make this my best game of the decade. I had a hard time choosing inbetween Fallout 3 and CoD4, but I picked CoD4 because of replay value.
Prestiged in MW2
by legolas95 on Comments
Hooray! Going to miss my AK47 tho:(. Anyway time to go for the M4A1 title!
O, and I know MW2 was a disappointment(to me at least) but any reason it didnt contend for Game of the Year on GameSpot? Serious answers please.
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