I thought this game was dreadful. You can literally run past enemies until you come across green barriers which requires you to kill all enemies in the area to proceed. The spell menus are confusing as hell and you have to keep activating certain spell points to watch bits of the story, which becomes tiresome.
It's a shame, really. I mean, they could've improved so many details in the main game, like the motherfreakin' time it takes a Sim to just switch from one action to another. My Sim was late for work four days in a row because he was doing some other stupid thing which took almost an hour in game's time.
@Stevo_the_gamer @leikeylosh @b74kd3th I thought the job of a moderator was moderating and not dissing the reviewer. He's technically your co-worker. You shouldn't say things like these.
leikeylosh's comments