Neither Bird Sister nor the writer of this article understand what it means to be a pirate. First of all, there will never be an uncrackable DRM system. Both DRM and crackers evolve and it's a never ending cycle. Pirates crack games for fun. (Yes, that's their fun, more than playing the game itself) They do it for the challenge and bragging rights. That's why there's rival groups of crackers. Long story short, Denuvo will be cracked as well as any new DRM system that comes up. It may take a long time, but it will be cracked.
The only way to stop piracy (which very few developers do it, one of them being CDProjektRed) is ignoring DRM and focusing on delivering a good game, filled with content, a satisfying product that shows all the respect the developer has for your hard-earned cash. That way, crackers won't even exist anymore.
"A world that truly feels alive" - Shows passersby not giving a f*$% about carriage almost running them over.
"Traversal abilities that just feel really good." - Shows Evie climbing the same tower to do the same synchronizing which was in every freaking game in the franchise.
"And rather than one character that you can customize either way..." - Shows Jacob and Evie identical skill trees.
"Most fights play out like a beautiful brutal dance" - Shows same fighting system with same features as previous game.
"You have a bunch of stealth options" - Shows the same possible stealth strategies since the first game.
"Carriage driving is relatively easy" - Shows player zigzagging like crazy and smashing the carriage against everything on the street.
"Micromanaging is worthwhile because it completely changes the social landscape of London." - Shows paid features completely irrelevant and non-essencial for completion of the main story.
"But a disappointing final fight and some control hitches cannot diminish Assassin's Creed Syndicate's charm" - Two issues that were present in every other game in the franchise and not improved over a decade of released titles.
"Ziplining through London is thrilling" - Shows characters ziplining very slowly through rooftops with nothing happening aroud them.
Really, Gamespot... You just "ziplined" any trace of credibility some time ago, but now you just don't care. It's like Alexa is talking about one game and the video is showing another. What the hell happened with this website?
Have finally played this one and didn't like it. The pacing of the first episode is uneven and there's a lot of filler dialogues that could be cut. The main characters are not likeable, there's no reason to cheer for them (expect for Gared maybe). Three main characters seems a little too much.
leikeylosh's comments