To be completely fair, Pewdiepie was legitimately funny in his first videos. He is a funny guy when he wants to and can actually make good jokes on improv. But something changed, especially after he blocked comments on his videos and then allowed it again for some reason. And now this network thing. He's not funny anymore, too much money and responsability involved.
I respect the fact that some parents lost their son and made a videogame about the sad experience. I can understand that. It's available and nobody is forced to buy it.
BUT. It's a videogame first and foremost and must be reviewed as such. Videogame journalists need to learn that. Look at the cons: "Clunky controls and glitches sometimes get in the way." That, to me, is a failure in the most basic principles of a videogame. In short, be more professional towards a product, it doesn't matter where it came from or how it was made. That's all videogame fans want.
leikeylosh's comments