Well lets face it, gamers back in the day were gamers. Now we have everyone playing them. And now big game devs make games for money and not because they want to make a game. That is why I like indie devs so much. They make a game not to try and get a chunk of COD's money, or try to take in "new fans". They do it because they want to make a game. And that is what old day devs were like.
I read a homefront interview and the guy said that once they started to puch the 10 hour mark on a sp portion of a game they would start to lose the ability to balance both sp and mp. He made it seem like it is MANDATORY for all shooters to have mp. He said that if thye just focused on sp it would be 20 hours, but they don't want that. Why? Because if they need to make money. Games to devs aren't things that you actually make because you want to, you are just doing it for the cash. Authors write books on what they want to wright about, but game devs do it for the money. don't get me wrong, you need money, but when that becoms your only objective and not making a good game that you care about, well my friends, that is where you end.
Bioshock Infinite rcently had an interview and the guy said something like "We aren't going to add a multiplayer mode unless we have something completely unique that would add to the game and be something enjoyable, but the singleplayer mode is our first and foremost priority" And that is where game devs need to be. Not making multiplayer for the sake of having it.
Why don't COD clones work? Because we already have a COD. It's like why would you go out and buy the bad bread at the supermarket when you already have the quality loaf sitting at your house. Now I like COD (not the mp) and the only reason I am using it as an example is because it is probably the best example of a game that appeals to the masses. It's simple and easy to get into. And now we see games trying to simplify themselves to try to rake in more players, but then they alienate the fans.
Look at the new Hitman. They are trying to make it more accesable to the masses. Do you really think the masses are going to look at a hitman game? No. The only people that are going to look at it are the fans of the previous games. But they aren't going to get it when they see that it is something different.
It's like a store that only sells health foods wants to attract more people because they see that McDonalds makes so much money so they start to sell fries. Well, the people that only eats McDonalds isn't going to look at the damn healthy place. The only people that are going to look at the health place are the people that go there, and when they see the fries they aren't going to get them and then the fries fail and they blame it on bad advertising. So then they make a sequel, burgers and fries. But the same thing happens again. And they don't seem to get it, cater to your audience and you will be successful, try to cater to people who don't care about you and you don't only not get those people, you don't get the people that liked you in the first place either.
You must be my twin or something, because all of your opinions are the same as mine, especially the COD thing, because it's true, COD is the game that is most apealing game to the masses.
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