@uninspiredcup: It makes me wonder if there was going to be more to the main questline, but it then got cut short. Skyrim's ending just kind of felt like "Ok guys, let's wrap this up real quick so I can be home in time for dinner".
Honestly, I feel that the only reason lock-on was created for Metroid Prime was that the developers were unsure of how they would make an fps game work well with a GameCube controller. Controls would likely have been difficult to nail correctly and if they failed it would have turned a good number of players off the game. So they took the issue of being able to aim accurately out of the equation by adding a lock-on.
Fallout NV was interesting for its SouthWestern setting and I felt aspects of the gameplay were improved upon in comparison to Fallout 3, but the story felt very weak in comparison to Fallout 3.
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