Never tried Borderlands, could it be seen as a mix between Fallout 3 and Rage?Subaru1980More of a mixture of Rage and Diablo. Borderlands 2 Tomb Raider Dead Space 3 (a big maybe on this one though) are the only games left this generation that look interesting to me. Thief 4 could be added to that list, but I think it may end up on next gen consoles instead.
lenson's forum posts
Sadly no it seems. In fact, there are very few future releases of rpgs left for 360.
My vote is for Shadow Complex as well.
I found stealth to be necessary throughout most of deus ex due to the severe lack of ammo. I found that aspect overly frustrating, but in hindsight I appreciate the fact that it forced me to find alternative methods rather than shooting my way out of every sticky situation. Ironically, I did shoot my way through most of peace walker.
Check out MGS: Peacewalker. Its in the mgs hd collection and its the second best game in the series next to Snake Eater (which is also included in the collection).
If you are willing to go as far back as the original xbox then check out thief deadly shadows. It is one of the finest stealth games ever crafted.
Midnight Club: Utah
Just think about it.
I've seen these combustable lemons. Minute Maid has a military contract.
It is a terrific game with a great amount of replay value thanks to its creative implementation of online play as well as its new game+ mode.
The game's difficulty has certainly been exaggerated since its release. Taking a practical approach to the combat in the game will yield a generally enjoyable experience with a minimum amount of death.
For example in combat I have notice sword is an unusually popular option, especially greatsword. Certainly if you must feel you need to use a sword to enjoy the game then go ahead ,but nearly every blood stain I come across involves someone using a sword. If you die a lot then don't use swords. There are serious disadvantages to using swords. They have wide and unnecesary movements when you attack leaving you open to getting pummeled, and they are terrible in small corridors because sometimes they hit the walls mesing up your swing. Try a spear instead. Minimal amount of unnecessary movement and you can attack from behind your shield.
Bought a 360 to keep myself busy till I could go back to my true gaming passion: pc. I had orignally planned to buy a ps3 but the 360 was cheaper at the time and I had more friends on live. It never mattered to me which system I ended up with really since most of the games I play are mutliplatform anyways.
Street Fighter 4. The day I got it I played one match abel vs zangief. As soon as the match started Zangief used that grapple move of his where he spins you up in the air and drops you on your head. He did it about 6 or 7 times in a row till I lost. I immediately put the disc back in the case and returned it.
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