Batista vs Edge vs Undertaker (for the World Title)
I hope Undertaker wins it, but I could see Edge geting it too. I think Batista will lose it for sure though.
Jeff Hardy vs HHH (Winner recieves a WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble)
I would be very surprised to see Jeff winning this match, i think, no, I know that HHH will win
MVP vs Rey Mysterio (for the US Title)
MVP aint losing the Title to Rey, i see MVP keeping it until Matt Hardy comes back
Shawn Micheals vs Mr Kennedy
I think Kennedy will lose this match, unless he cheats or something, hopefully this match is as good as Kennedys match against Undertaker atLast Years Armageddon
Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James (for the Womens Title)
i think Beth will keep the Title for a while, or at least until Candice gets back, it would be nice to see Candice do a run in during this match costing Beth the Match and the Title, but i don think it will happen
Finlay vs Khali
dont really care for this match, but i hope Finlay gets a Shilileigh shot or two in on the big man while the ref is distracted by Hornswaggle
Y2J Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton (for the WWE Title)
[spoiler] Randy still has the Title at the Tribute to the Troops Taping [/spoiler]
CM Punkand Kane vs Big Daddy V and Mark Henry
i would rather see Kane and Punk vs Miz and Morrison for the Tag Titles, but o well, i think Kane and Punk will win
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