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leodonmikeraph Blog

dvd release dates

These are DVDS that i plan on purchasing in the next couple of months.

im posting this just for fun, (and for me) its also works as a reminder for myself on when these particular things come out.

Dec 4

Naruto Uncut BoxSet Vol 5

WWE Cyber Sunday

Dec 18

Death Note Vol 2

Dec 26

WWE Survivor Series

Jan 22

Avatar The Last Airbender. Book 3, Vol 2

Feb 12

Naruto Uncut BoxSet Vol 6

Feb ???

Dragonball Z, Season 4

Still noword on the Official Release Date of this, but its supposed to be sometime in Feb

be sure to check out the blog below this one also!

Thanks for reading, and Have a great day!

My Job, Profile Changes, Armageddon

Today i went to my Local Library, cause they have an opening position available, and i signed out an application and turned it in. i sure hope i get the job, but i highly doubt i will. I have had about enough of my current job anyway. two people that made work enjoyable for me have quit there. one was a guy who was the most hilarious person ive ever worked with, and the other was this girl who is seriously the hottest female ive ever seen EVER. and theyre gone, :cry:

ive been working on my profile for about an hour now, its almost 1 oclock in the morning, and i finnaly got it the way i like it. and i have jumped on the "use L as my icon" bandwagon, cause Death Note is one of my new favorites sinse its debut on Adult Swim. i may change up a few things, but im pretty satisfied for now.

and WWE Armagedon looks to have a really good card, except the khali and finlay match, and the ECW match, i wont spoil it for you if you dont already know.

well, thats it for now, have a great day!


Is it snowing where you live?

its not for me :?

it rained really hard for me yesterday, the front of my house was starting to get flooded

and for those who celebrate christmas, who has putten up their Tree yet?

i think me and my family are gonna put ours up later today, sinse we all have off work today.

have a great day everyone!


Oldschool, BadAss Tom

Tom, These Days

What happened here?! Toonami used to be so awesome, the only reason I watch Toonami now is to keep up with New Naruto Episodes. I miss the old days when i used to come home from school everyday, and watch new episodes of DBZ, and they had alot of great shows back then, but now, its crap. CRAP!!! It needs to be on Mon-Fri like it used too, but now its only on on Saturday Nights.

other than, what else do you do on the computer?

For me, its many things

I am on Youtube alot,

I am on Myspace sometimes,

I always go to,

I go to Wikipedia often,

I go to Photobucket alot too.

and on my old computer, i was addicted to Solitaire, but on this new one, i dont like how the cards look, so i dont really play it.

Thank You For Reading, And Have a Great Day

Day of Black Sun / HBK dvd/ Tommorow

who else watched "Avatar Day of Black Sun"? I loved it, and i cant wait to see what happens next!

i just picked up the new "Shawn Micheals" dvd, and i watched the first disc, and it was very VERYgood! im gonna watch theother two discs of it tommorow, probly.

i cant wait until tommorow (Dec 1) because two new Episodes of Naruto at 9 and 9:30, and a new episode of "Death Note" at 12

Have a great day! and Thank you for reading!