Jimmies rustled!
leonkennedy97's forum posts
@kingtito: How did you prove me wrong? Forza is a good looking racing game. There is tons of good looking racing games. The closest the Bone has that compares with something to GoW or UC4 ironically is Ryse. The sad thing is nothing visually has surpassed that on the X1X and the only game in the same league on the system is Gears of War 4.
And as far as the gameplay reveal of UC4 it wasn't downgraded. And its pushing technically more advanced visuals then anything we seen on the X1. You say my view on crackdown is just an opinion? Well it seems to be a pretty popular opionion. Even previews of the game have talked about how visually unimpressive it is. Does that not annoy you? A big budget 1st party game on the most powerful console and people talk about how unimpressive it looks?
Regardless i respect opinions and i think you mistake my intentions. I own a Xbox one and i will buy a X1X ( despite what fanboys say it is a nice piece of hardware especially for the price). I just call things how i see it. Sony has fucked up on backwards compatibility and not allowing crossplay while MS has fucked up on investing in games and develooers that can push their hardware. Im just calling out the companies on their weakness in hopes that maybe they will improve.
@kingtito: Racing games take shit tons of shortcuts in the environment and also don't render human models. Its not that they are not impressive its just you made a foolish comparison. UC4 was not downgraded from its "GAMEPLAY" reveal. Its visuals matched the prerendered footage it just failed to hit 60fps. But if you remember the actual gameplay reveal UC4 looked better when finished. That's a simple fact.
And no crackdown doesn't look behind because if its artsyle. It looks behind due to low poly models and low poly environmental detail. It's not an opinion its a fact. They are technically less advanced models its as simple as that. Cell shaded games can look outstanding its just amazing how embarrassingly low poly the character models are considering the hardware its on.
And I have a opinion of my own I just found yours a bit ironic. Your not a fan of hack and slash but you like Ryse. Its about the equivalent of me saying I hate rock music but love Nickleback.
@kingtito: lmao Forza? LOL a racing game? Horizon, Infamous SS, UC4 all look as good or better then original gameplay reveals and all are out and finished and utterly shit on anything the Bone has to offer. Fucking crackdown was announced before horizon sill isn't out yet and looks about 5 years behind. You are a blind tool.
Lol at not liking hack and Slash games but enjoying Ryse!
@kingtito: Im talking about the new one. Let me know whem MS has anything that approaches that. GoW3 looked amazing for its time but obviously its going to lag behind current gen titles. Im guessing you hate action adventure games if you weren't impressed.
@ellos: It was fully playable on pro i doubt it will be downgraded. Horizon looked amazing im sure Spiderman can too.
@kingtito: GoW is one of the best looking games period. You disputing that is laughable. In terms of its gameplay ive yet to play it but the series has an extremely high pedigree.
@kingtito: Err no its pretty much common fact at this point. MS will have the superior hardware, they also have the most money. There is no excuse for them not to put out an amazing looking exclusive that pushes the superior hardware. It for whatever reason isn't happening though.
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