[QUOTE="jazuzu13"] sorry xbox fanboys, owning both consoles, I think the PS3 will outsell the 360. Just look at the history. Which console is still up and running.........I plan on selling my 360 for PS3 games. PS3 is better and it will, sooner or later, outsell the 360! I guarantee you all.
You say you own both consoles but I don't believe you, you are a cow disguising yourself as someone with no biases. The PS3 is not much more powerful, it has the advantage of blu-ray for storage size, but in terms of power the two consoles are virtually even. However, I too think that the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360 because as High Definition continues to get more and more popular, people are going to want a Blu-ray player, and people who also enjoy games are going to spend the extra $100 and a get a PS3 instead of a standalone blu-ray player, as that is exactly what I did. Ona side note though, I think the 360 will win in software sales because a lot of the PS3 users are going to be using it mostly for movies. I know I still buy all my multiplats on the 360 because of the superior controller, superior online.(don't even bring up the price, most people that pay don't really care.)
I have had owned both.But i sold my X360 for 9800GTX(Always loved mouse and keyboard).Anyways i like PS3 alot better and i think it has far more capabilities than the 360,although i completely agree that i had around 30 titles for the 360 and only 5 titles for the PS3.But still i didnt miss out on much.I am pretty sure that GOW 2 and Halo 3(only titles to own a 360 for)will be ported to PCs soon.And i do believe that sooner or later PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360.It already has in Europe.
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