DISAGREED ! I am waiting for Heavy rain,Resistance 2,Gran Turismo 5,God of War 3,Little Big planet and alot more.These are some of the games which are gonna turn the tables.Every console takes its time to build up and PS3 is doing suprisingly well.Xbox360 was launched way ahead of PS3 thats the cause of small game library.Doesnt really matter though because we all know by the end of 2009 PS3 will outsell the 360.
I've heard time and time again that people dislike the feel of the six-axis/dual shock, especially with FPS. I have to say, I don't fully understand why. Personally, I like the feel of the PS3 controller. I don't at all mind the 360 controller, but I see no problem with the PS3 controller.
Why the hate?
When i was new to the PS3 i tried my best finding a splitfish for FPS games.But now after playing Condemned 2,Darkness,COD4,Bad company ...and a few more with DS3 i guess i am more used to the controller.Now i feel uncomfortable with mouse.Looks weird to me.
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