Ok lets HONESTLY and FACTFULLY compare all four of them turn by turn.Do correct me if i am wrong !
1st pic : Clearly the PS3 rocks are still rendering.Anyways if you look closely the 360s rocks dont even have reflections .On the Ps3 version though everything has a proper water reflections.
I would call this a tie.Since in one part Ps3 is better and in the other 360 is.
2nd pic : Clear winner is PS3.Look at the factories sort of things in the distance on PS3 you can see AND make out their water reflections clearly.On the 360 version though the reflections are blury,dark and dull.Look at the water.360s water looks like some sort of square boxes.Anyways if you move to the extreme right you will se a tower sort of thing floating in the water(next to the red colour shade sort of thing).Which is very clear on the PS3 version but blury and dull on the 360s version.
Also dont forget to notice the reflection of the island on the right.On 360s its just a dark spot sort of thing.Whereas on the PS3 its a proper reflection.You can even make out the greenry on the island from the reflection on PS3.
3rd pic : They both are almost the same since it isnt an OPEN enviroment.But notice the trees on the left and on the right.They are blury on the 360 version
4rth pic : Pretty close.The PS3 version has some dots on the rocks.Check out the leaf of the palm tree or watever.On PS3 its VERY clear you can actually see its tips.On the 360 version its blurry and dull.
I think that PS3 is the clear winner overall.But still from minor differences which can be ignored while playing :).
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