Right now I have an xbox 360 and really like it. I want to buy the ps3 for movies and for future exclusives. I am not interested in mgs4 or lbp so i can wait for a while. Are there any price cuts coming in the future?
Better features,more exclusives,less failing chances,much more multimedia,free online,Blu Ray drive,web browsing,higher resolution...and some more stuff.
i find that evrytime i play over three hours of mgs or gta on my 40gb ps34, the fan would go mad and stay like that for about 5 mins and then calm down. is this bad or good, is it overheating. is this happening to anybody elsepsp_bwoy
its normal...if you keep it in a well ventilated place it wont make that noise.
Now I found this interesting article where it says thtat 68 out of every 100 xbox 360 is malfunctional meaning 68 or roughly around there of all xbox 360 is malfunctioned. And I quote
" GameDaily's overview of Takahashi's report reveals out of every 100 Xbox 360, 68 would fail in the initial phase before production."
If you'd open a thread here asking what's the best looking game around at the moment, everyone knows the answer will be Crysis. But what about the second best looking game around? I never saw anyone mentioning that. What do you guys think is, the second best looking game around?NielsNL
"If you'd open a thread here asking what's the best looking game around at the moment, everyone knows the answer will be Crysis."
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