lesner87's forum posts
A game called LIFE, where you can live the life you've always wanted. Or or a game where your abducted by an alien family, then you have to become an alien and help along side of them to destroy earth. Or a game where your a vampire.. or maybe a giant robot.Ragamer
OMFG :O ! You read my mind about LIFE :D.I was thinking about it after i saw Playstation home.My idea is that you live a proper life.Like from a kid to adulthood.Go through school-college-marraige-kids-death :D .Its gonna be awesome isnt it ??
What you guys think can a Bluray handle such sort of a game ?
[QUOTE="lesner87"]Firstly Ps3s failure rate is only i think .6% or so.That means of over 100000 PS3 owners 1 can be the unlucky dude.voixco
I hate to correct you, but that would be 600 systems out of 100,000. Here's how it would break down if you're going by every 100,000 systems.
.6% = 600 out of 100,000
1% = 1,000 out of 100,000
2% = 2,000 out of 100,000
Thanks for the correction...As you should have judged from my post i wasnt talking mathematically i was just giving the PS3 owners a rough idea of how rare it is to get YLOD.
[QUOTE="lesner87"]TC it is a very long process.I think you should think thrice before going thorugh it.If you are completely sure to go for it than i can help you half way through.I havent personally done it yet but i do have alot of knowledge of it.Believe me its hard..so let me know.GARRYTHlol i will let you now when i get home from to see if i can get 10 gig free in the hdd before i do this. i want to do this so i can play classic games. like the ost from earlier. i now im not suppose to talk about it so i will keep this a linux questions. it seems like a long process but if i can get what i want for it it be so worth it for my kids and i. if it ok can i e-mail a message on gamespot when im ready.
Sure when youre ready PM me.I`ll go through it but once again i tell you its not worth it.I will most probably be doing it for a frend tomrw if he agrees on his 60gig model.If i do it i`ll let you know the results.
Number 4 is BS because the PS3 Manual says at least 4 inches of free space so the hot air can travel out
I use an AC in my PS3 Room and its always cool
Firstly these all points i have brought out are for your betterment not mine.I dont need to lie to any1 here :).
Secondly I can see why its BS for you.These point i have brought out have disscussed them with tech/hardcore gamers on other forums aswell(If you do know,NOT to OFFEND ANY ONE but gamespot is the most unexperienced forum i have ever been too :) )...People who have disected their PS3s.What do you know whats inside of your PS3 ? i have been researching on PS3s since the last 3-4 years :).Its experience that counts,you cant call anything BS after reaidng a single sentence :).
I dont have to explain anything to you.
i ahve never even herd of it. sounds fake, and since its on a gamespot forum ill ignore it until their is a better credible source.ocdog45
LOL.Dude it isnt fake.Trust me,try reading the user manual/safety guide sometimes.I do agree with you though that most of the fanboys(esp 360 fanies) would try to make full use of a situation like this one.But this one is for real.
[QUOTE="lesner87"][QUOTE="Ownsin"]what do you mean by dear TC?, whats the meaining of TC?Ownsin
Topic creator.
thanks :).
Sony consoles are the only consoles I have ever had fail on me and the PS3 was no exception. Only about 6 months after purchasing it, right in the middle of playing a game, the screen froze up and the console wouldn't boot up properly after (no sound and video, controller wouldn't respond). What was weird is that the console didn't give me any sort of error codes with beeps or lights. The console appeared to be running okay but there was no video or sound on the screen and the bluetooth controller could never make a connection with the system. So yes, the PS3 can have RRoD-like problems where major hardware components fail. Note: I have owned a Xbox 360 during most of that period and since, and I play it probably 10 times as much as my PS3 and it is still running perfectly. I seem to only have bad luck with Sony. 1 failed PSX, 2 failed PS2's, 1 failed PS3, 0 failures for all other systems I have owned: NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii.CheeChee_Macko
What type of house do you live in ? I mean hows the power supply and everything ?? Is there alot of fluctiation and stuff ? then you need to get something known as a stabilizer.
And to everyone who has fluctuation issues,do know that 220V (AC OUTPUT) Stabilizers HELP alot...and if you do have spare cash also use UPS.(it will save you from sudden restarts and crashes)
what do you mean by dear TC?, whats the meaining of TC?Ownsin
Topic creator.
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