lesner87's forum posts
Thx a lot you are a real helper, that's what i like about this forum there are a lot of good people!!!!! !!!! THX
p.s i can't put the printer on the Flor the wires are too short but thx for the vertical part help so if i got everything right the vent that are in the back are the ones who collect cold air ?KengoK
nope they are the ones which blow out hot air.According to your description,the vents(top vents)which are facing towards your monitor are the ones which collect cold air.In 60 GB model these top vents also give out some of the hot air.But their main purpose is to collect cold air.
well both of you say the same thing but you are suggesting something very small ( 22" compared to 42" ) so its natural to have really good visuals...well actually my sdtv is not that big either ( 28" ) but still i thought it was good enough..TheLegendKnight
Dude it mainly depends from person to person.I am more of a PC hardcore gamer(mostly fps) so i have always loved monitors.I have tried my level best to convert my PS3 into a PC sort of machine.In which i must say i have succeded,only Splitfish FRAG FX is left on my list.But some of my other frends love big screen HD tvs and usually go for them.But i can assure you that what you can get from a LCd monitor,wont be achieved on HD tv(taking about resolution quality).
"DO NOT shake the PS3 vulgurly"...I'm curious as to how exactly that's done. Care to demonstrate? :PLeostatic
Yes if you buy me one :P :D.
now you are helping a lot...well you are helping me a lot that is, don't know about the other and Thx in advance one more big question if you do......me to place vertically?? is it safer ???
Real Thx in advance!!!KengoK
NP dude...And about your second para.Firstly its good to hear that you have some what the same arrangement as me :D.But what i have done is kept the printer down on the floor.Dont use it much either,only for work and projects.So its basically sitting down there and i have slid my monitor all the way to the right leaving behind alot of open space where the PS3 stands vertically.And i done some of my own personally tricks to keep it cool.
Anyways i would recomend you to keep it vertically as your top vent which is(currently)facing the monitor/printer will be facing upwards and collecting alot of cold air from atmosphere rather than the warm air near the monitor.
I have it horizontally, is that a problem??
It isnt a problem but vertically would be much better.Keeping horizontally i would recomended you to leave an empty space infront of all the vents of 1.5 feet and infront of the back vent around 3 feet.
sorry for the off-topic....
but about the overheating....
um...mine PS3 is on the table near my monitor and the space beneath my PS3 is very hot( the one specific place where PS3 get really hot) because of the ps3 ....anyway is it dangerous?
Thx in advance...
If placed horizantally than as i said earlier in my first post i recomend you to place it vertically.Because when horizontal,the place underneath gets very hot(normal but risky :) ).And also theres a cold intake on 40gb models which gets blocked.Another cold intake(40gb models) also gets blocked when placed vertically but that doesnt matter that much.If you have placed it vertically and the place underneath is still getting hot,dont worry its normal.But do read the first post to see how much distance you have to leave infront of each vent.
I have the 60GB from launch.
Might I add, she's been freezing lately within the last couple of weeks. It's been scaring me a little to the point I don't play as much, even though I hardly played at all... Ever since I purchased and played Madden 09 (which is the only game I freezes on, once in awhile) it's been acting a little strange; the fans kick on super loud to where it's getting kind of annoying if you know what I mean. It just scares me, because she's never acted like this before.
Well 60gb models are VERY different.They have the intake from ONE of the top vents(the other one joined with it gives out hot air) when vertically placed.And i recomend you to keep the fan around 5 feet away from the PS3.Place your ps3 vertically leave atleast 2 feet behind the PS3 where hot air is BLOWN out.and Face the fan towards the vent underneath the power and eject button.But place the fan in a way that its air also goes through the top vent.
Used the PS3 with my SDTV for months after buying a PC monitor Samsung SyncMaster 22" 2253BW I saw a big difference connected it with HDMI to DVI Cable and far better than SDTVSpy_106
Have to agree with you.Sync masters deliver a very good quality.What did you do about the audio output ?
Im not at my crib at the moment, but I was wondering where the heat comes out and where the cold air should be sucked in? That would really help since I do use a small fan in front of my Ps3 at an angle (Front / Right), but want to make sure im not put the Hot air back in the poor thing :x hahaNocturnal_Speed
Can you please tell me which model do you use ? 60/20/40 or 80gb ??
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