[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"][QUOTE="Kratos-PS3"][QUOTE="mephisto_11"] oh god people actually believe the blu ray is superior bull crap
is ff13 and all other former ps3 exclusives not convincing enough that blu ray is not useful this gen?
i cant wait for mgs4 to come to 360 so we can put sony's blu ray marketing ploy behind us for good
Blu-ray is superior to DVD-9 thats a fact. FF13- because it went multi-platform its not taking full advantage of blu-ray. That goes for former PS3 exclusives as well. And about the whole "I cant wait for MGS4 to come to 360" thing. The devs already explained ten billion times that it cant because its not possible because of blu-ray. So you're waiting for nothing.
lol how someone cannot think that 25, or 50GB (dual layer) is not better than 9GB DVD is better is beyond me.
9GB =/= 50GB ok?
And what is it with this "FF13 is on 360, blu ray is bad" rubbish? Ever thought that maybe the game was made with the 360 in mind?
Blu ray is better, thats it, theres no ifs or buts, thats it.
except any advantage brought by the 25gb space is eliminated because of the slow read speed.
-Redundant data written to the disc multiple times
-5gb 20 min installs
-Games that are "only possible on blu ray" jumping ship late in the development cycle indicating that it was pure marketing bs.
-games can be split across a few discs.
-its faster to disc swap than to install
Yay ps3 owners paid $200 more for uncompressed 7.1 audio. totally worth it. the biggest game this gen (gt4) is only 6 gb compressed and was slightly better on 360 anyway. sony didnt have games in mind when they included the blu ray player in the ps3, it was strictly for their movie and format business
Lol i can see your knowledge claiming that blu ray speed is slower than Hd dvd :lol:
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