[QUOTE="lesner87"][QUOTE="clone01"] [QUOTE="lesner87"]HUH ?! what a stupid thread.Ever since that 200$ cheap bundle came out more and more 360 fans are coming.Lemmings try their best to demolish and not to reply to anti-360 threads.Dream on lemmings you`ill never even come near to PS3 owners.We have alot of stuff to keep us busy while you make such threads :P .clone01
i thought consoles were meant to play games? and if i'm not mistaken, the 360 still has the wider game library.
Yes dude you are correct about the library.But doesnt a year ahead of launch help ? the xbox exclusive line up is running dry,just compare the titles coming out this fall.....
And i believe that PS2 and Xbox were for ONLY gaming.Things have changed now.
i really don't think the 360 exclusives are drying up with Halo Wars, Fable 2, Gears 2, and Banjo Kazooie.
Is that all 360 has to offer ? Four 360 MEGA exclusives,two probably timed exclusives ?
PS3 MEGA exclusives-Killzone 2,Resistance 2,Gran turismo 5,God Of War 3,Little Big planet,Heavy rain,Infamous,Wipeout HD,Motor Storm Pacific rift,Tekken 6,LA Noire,SOCOM:Confrontation and alot more yet to be confirmed.
Do note that i havent added any stupid ps3 exclusives in their because these are MEGA exclusives believed to score atleast AA or even AAA.
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