[QUOTE="shoemen22"]The ps3 is more powerful by far but its harder to program for and i say if you look at games like Gears of war 2 it doesnt look that much better then the first one which shows that its already starting to push the 360 but the ps3 still has killzone 2 heavy rain etc the Cpu in the ps3 (cell) is about 2.5 times more powerful but once again harder to program for but they are starting to get use to it just like they did with the ps2 a advantage with the cell is that it can be used as a GPU and a PPU while still doing CPU calcs while the 360 is unable to do this. While xbox fans might say that the graphics card is better in the 360 then the ps3 this just isnt true its just easier to program for but once again the learner curze is getting smaller and smaller and this does show with killzone 2 and heavy rain plus witht the cell being able to be used as a gpu the ps3 in total is able to be more powerfull in terms of processing and graphics just needs time which is about 5 months until killzone 2 to come outPhazevariance
This is called a "PS3 Fanboy" who doesn't know what he's talking about. I stopped reading at "gears 2 looks like the first one".
As a matter of fact, the two consoles have very different archetectures. 360 has a cpu and ram that communicate between the two, ps3 has cell which is made up of a few chips, and each chip has its own chunk of ram so it can complete functions faster in small, but reassembling them takes more time and it ends up being about the same for speed, except it can process more things at the same time than 360. THe problem with that is that it is harder to program code for a game to split and reassemble liek that as opposed to making it like you would for a PC (and 360).
It has nothign to do with "learner curve" as thats just uneducated BS that the guy above posted about. In the end, the ps3 has less total ram, and that ends up cutting into the texture quality of games, where the 360 has only dvd which cuts into the content quantity available per disc, which cuts on quality of other aspects of the game. They can always go multi disc, but that incurs a larger fee/royalty to the developer which eats away at their profit margins.
shoeman22 has no idea what he is talking about, he sounds like a 10 year old trying to piece together information on something he has no clue about, so don't take fanboyish comments like that as truth.
Nice reply dude.Good to see some one with knowledge over here.
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