LOL, why do people still compare the PC and consoles. A console is a single product made to be accessible to the most amount of people possible and is made on a huge production scale. How many parents do you think could afford to buy there kid a supped up console with crazy specs, very few. It is a business guys... remember? Gaming pc's are made on a much much smaller scale.
@wexorian You forget that the ps4 is also made so that it is at a budget which most people can afford, Sure they could make a ultra high powered console, but who would buy it? its a mass scale production, they would loose money, maybe you forget, its primarily a business,its profit first and foremost.
@danielwd @lethal41 I'am not saying by any means they are not superior, but i don't think the cost is relative to the gain. Consoles games are made with console specs in mind, therefore even you shell out loads of cash for a top end rig you will never end up getting the most of it unless its a game made primarily for PC, and there are less and less developers aiming there games at the Pc market.
I have a gaming PC and own consoles, I find apart from games made for PC which has the occasional gem now and again, most great games are now aimed at consoles, and although pretty graphics are nice, i would choose a higher range of quality games over improved graphics any day If we are lucky to get a port they are scaled down anyway, so you pay out of your pockets for a top end PC only to get better cell shading, or more anti-aliasing, noticeable but not worth the price you pay for them.
I don't know why people are complaining and jumping to conclusions.
On possibility of PS4 blocking used games
If its up to the publisher, then it is out of Sony's hands, But publishers are well aware of gamer's hate for blocking used games, so i doubt in most cases it would be in their best interest to do so.
On possibility of backward compatibility for PS3 discs
Throughout the whole ps3 life cycle, i only found myself once or twice using the backwards compatibility, even then it was for ps1 games, which they had on the psn store anyway. They said themselves that they may be available for download at a later time, If you don't like paying for things twice, then play the game on the console it is meant to be played on, if not maybe you shouldn't have lost or broken the game in the first place. If you have just bought a ps4, you should be playing all the great the new titles, if you are whining about playing old games, why have you bought a ps4?
On whether or not PSN will remain free for PS4
Maybe its just me, but can you really complain about the possibility of paying for a service before its even shown or released? Psn was free, it was also pretty average, Xbox live was a paid service, but was also a excellent service. It is all about getting what you pay for, if the new psn network is significantly better then then the ps3 model then i for one wont complain.
Lastly, I know a lot of people complain about the obscurity of his answers, however they have only just officially released the details of the ps4, things can still change between now and when it finally hits the shelves, he said's himself at one point " I know the answer, but I don't want to be quoted and get a call from my PR guy saying, 'What did you say? " I don't blame him for not being completely sincere, If something does change his quote will be at the center of all the rage and complaints that follow.
People just need to be more patient , things aren't set in stone, and there are still many months ahead of us.
lethal41's comments