@Bigboi500 There's being politically correct and there's being socially aware. The former will doom you to live a humorless life and is saved for people who think they can touch other hearts (lol). The latter will save you to be educated enough on important issues, then allowing yourself to still have fun in life. GTA is saved for the latter.
@carolynmichelle @lex_in_the_moon But it attacks and makes fun of everyone. Observe the depiction of Brucie and Morrie in GTA4, poking fun at the weight lifting male with a Napoleon complex, the same way as it will poke fun at a certain type of female. Characters will be based around stereotypes for comedic and critical value. By your logic, Yusuf in BoGT must be a promotion of profound racism.
GTA is a satire on American culture and society. It takes what already exists in the real world, and exaggerates it for humor and entertainment value. That we now recognize profound misogyny means GTA did its job as a reflection of our world, and it makes absolutely no sense to punish it for that.
The MGS series is one of the last to deserve this attack. Sure they sexualize female characters but they also give them deep personalities and back stories; in no way are they simply eye candy. The Japanese like making intricate and appealing costumes, so what? What does this guy want, for everyone to be dressed in baggy sweaters?
Nintendo screwed up before the Wii U was even released in terms of getting in on multi-platform titles, because not only does their hardware have different ideas when it comes to gameplay (like the controller) but now their graphics engine is going to be outdated yet again when the PS4 and XBone get released. Now, what they have to focus on is somehow getting some quality games (not only first party) that you won't be able to get on another console. In only that way will the Wii U have any real value to wheel in non-devotees. And man do they have to finally take some damn initiative to get that done.
lex_in_the_moon's comments