@elverdadero @lex_in_the_moon Right on man. Not to mention that all too true "violence vs. sex" double standard. If a game is an over the top violent gorefest, Gamespot gives it that "awesomely brutal" merit in "The Good" section. But over the top sexual content, for some reason is unacceptable.
Writing "uncomfortably sexual" as a negative aspect would be like writing "uncomfortably bloody." It's a matter of taste, so just stating if there's gratuitous sex or violence is all that should be said and then the consumer can decide if that is a pro or con to them.
Hear that? For those too lazy to pick up the remote for their TV service after gaming, there's the unfathomable innovation of the Xbox One which will change your life forever.
@steve4123456789 communist mario? sexual relationships with nintendo? look man you're free to argue and some of your points make some sense but you're entering whack territory here
Why is it that in the comment section for reviews there's always people nudging other to a website that gave the game a super high score? I mean it's good to look at reviews from different sources but why is it so difficult for people to accept negative criticism (which this isn't even!) or lower scores?
@RealFabioSooner @lex_in_the_moon I know the library is becoming great, but those names still aren't enough, for me at least, to make such a purchase. Not hating or anything, I loved the original DS.
lex_in_the_moon's comments