you know hes right... sure there are 2 or 3 features the ps and xbox could use for next gen but the current generation has an unexplored potential. The only one who needs to update their hardware is Nintendo (yeah the Wii U)
Tomb Raider and Bioshock get delay until 2013, Diablo 3 server went down in less than a day, CAPCOM has no idea how to handle DLC and now THQ is kicking out Devil's Third... What else can possibly go wrong?
Well that explains alot, they tried to avoid comments of violence against women just to land on comments of violence against transgender people, Capcom learned one important leasson out of this: There will be always people complaining no matter what. So the truth is: SHE IS A WOMAN AND SHE GETS THE CRAP BEAT OUT OF HER...Period
The only FFVII game I don't like is Dirge of Cerberus, It may have a good storyline but the gameplay is LAME, is so freakin boring. Just think about it, you saw FFVII: Advent Children, you saw this awesome fast-faced action sequences, and then SE thinks they made a good action game? Here's an idea for SE, PUT ALL THOSE MOVEMENTS WE SAW IN THE VIDEOS AND THE MOVIE INSIDE THE PLAY STATION CONTROL!!!
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