I would applaud them if they left say around March 5, 2013 or earlier...now...not so much...Any Kickstarter these guys do will be marred by the Sim City debacle of 2013...Sim City didnt only have problems with servers but the game had a shit load of game breaking bugs...
@daemonproject Well NSA do have info on everybody...including Gamespot employees...NSA probably have some incriminating videos of employees masturbating to Laura Croft or something.
Wow...the NSA can now assassinate you through Apple phones...some people also forget that Apple kills its employees for losing prototypes of new phones;
The only way a company like Microsoft can stay in business with such horrid sales on their products is because the government(NSA) just keeps pumping them unlimited money to make products to spy on people....even if the Surface sells only 100 units Microsoft will still spend billions of unfettered cash on advertising it...same goes for XBOX ONE...unlimited supply of government sponsored money to advertise the spy box.
liandrikonflict's comments