@SpazldNinjaDude The game might not be trash...just not some peoples cup of tea...Some might like a tower defense game...I dont usually like those kinds of games...but I will try the Demo just in case...and I might not like it but I wouldnt say its trash.
This "story" is a few years old...They did this same data crunch a few years ago with the same results...for some reason I think their statistics are BS.
Bad Demo = bad game(cant trust the game makers) = no sale...I have seen my fair share of broken demos with day one demo patch releases(?)
Also if a developer is too lazy to even include at least a sample video of their game on the PSN or Xbox live then that developer can kiss my ass...I am not surfing the net like an animal to look for your game or download your 3 Gig Demo if you even got one.
@Haeravon I think with the Mike Rowe story is that the lawyers set a honeytrap for the domain owners and wait until they get a letter from them asking for money...THEN the lawyers pounce and say to the judge "look he did it just for the money!!...I hope the guy who owns the WiiU domain now asks for 1 hundred million billion dollars...;)
liandrikonflict's comments