@paladin1459 @hrst1 I heard Diablo 3 from the Pirate Bay runs better then buying from the retailers/publishers...you dont have to be online to play the single player in the Pirate Bay version...looks like Pirates win and you lose.
I hope they dont make the new PS store more laggy....actually I dont even know if PlayStation has a store anymore since I dont think I have been on it in about a year...I am sure I still see a store icon in the Xcross media bar...o wellz...w/evz.
These Fez guys are just as bad as Frozenbyte developers...the makers of Trine 2...They give you a broken game with no patch because they dont want to pay Sony or Xbox for patches...They would rather screw the gamer then eat the cost of their own screw ups...its like Frozenbyte was waiting to get bought out buy EA or something...but it never happened...cuz they suck...
@tsunami2311 This isnt "Software"...this is "Firmware"...and Firmware can **** up consoles hardware...such as a number of ps3's getting "disc read errors" just after updating PS3 firmware....Firmware controls hardware...if firmware says the disc has to spin faster then the disc spins faster and if it spins too fast can ruin the disc drive or overheat the console...
liandrikonflict's comments