@Henrique2324 It really doesnt matter since its pretty much a FACT that update 4.45 bricks systems...This has happened before...and will sure as hell happen again in the future with their track record...like I said...this company cannot be trusted giving proper firmware updates...rendering your $400 machine into a paperweight.
You are playing Russian roulette every time you update your PS3...add to that PS4 systems and PS4 updates coming your way in the near future.
Old?...4.45 firmware BS just happened 2 days ago...and it is not known forsure if ONLY 500 Gigs and up were "targeted"...keep living in lala land and wearing your rose colored glasses that blind you from the truth that Sony runs its company mafia like and will do whatever it takes to make more profit...including bricking systems so the sheep buy new ones or they pay $200 to send it to Sony to get it fixed without waranty...
Yes your sweet sweet company insalled Rootkits on its unsuspecting customers...OOOPS!...either way this company cannot be trusted to give proper firmware updates that are forced upon the users or they cant play online.
If you dont think Sony does this shit on purpose then you people are deluding yourselves...Sony are experts in software code and DRM trojans etc...I would call this a "dry run" where you will see consoles mysteriously bricking around the PS4 launch window...similar to the "PS3 leap year bug".
This has not been the first time Sony has pulled a PS3 firmware update because of "accidentally" bricking consoles...If this company is really the White Knight then it sure cannot be trusted with PS4 firmware updates.
liandrikonflict's comments