@MJ-X @liandrikonflict @Bolan5857 hmm...dont think understood what I meant...people didnt believe that google would do such a thing on purpose...and the NSA_KEY was just a tinfoil hat conspiracy...now its pretty much fact...so calm down I wasnt being sarcastic...
@MJ-X @Bolan5857 When Google was caught snooping everyone's WIFI it didnt matter that much...now it REALLY matters...when Microsoft has a encryption key with NSA_KEY embedding in every windows version since 98...IT MATTERS NOW...
@dennis19956 Dont understand your question..but if you mean Xbox Ones multiplayer than probably not...most of the games multiplayer titles will be dead within months.
@ClintCommander Sony gave uncharted 3 away yesterday...It was a 40 Gig download...Thats too much for my decent internet connect...and hours upon hours downloading it...Just for a less than 10 hour campaign...and those with a data cap a SOL...so microsoft's new 500 Gig console you will be able to install under 12 AAA titles...grrreaat.
Open world is fun if you can make it to the other side of the map fast...eg...batman...superman...infamous 1,2...etc...even in GTA you have vehicles...but in this all I can see is JUST running...
Sorry but I dont know if I will like having to climb 40 pipes to get back to where I was initially...guess I will have to wait to see how they implement Faiths open worldlyness...
liandrikonflict's comments