@obsequies @liandrikonflict They removed much more than just linux...ability to have a digital game on 5 systems to 2...DRM psp on the ps3...disabled 3rd party controllers because they might explode...yada yada...and on and on...
If you like me bought ps3 day one and know all the $hit Sony pulled till now you would be smart to not buy this DRM in waiting machine until MUCH MUCH later....
@Vidpci $60 dollars for a game that has their OWN SERVERS...all Sony does is hold the account info...like with PSN...THATS ALL...NO MATCHMAKING...ITS DONE FROM DEVELOPER TO DEVELOPER/GAME TO GAME....when you play COD on XBOX LIVE do you play on Microsoft Servers?...uhh NO...you play on Activision Servers.
It still feels wrong to pay for online...even tho I have PS plus subscription my other accounts would be affected and fuked...This PS4 is not worth it to buy in the first year anyways...you have to see how Sony REALLY treats the used games and what updates and features are removed in that amount of time...sorry but this company cannot be trusted.
liandrikonflict's comments