Main reason is the balancing issues with titans and soldiers...after less than a week people will send this crap game back because of overpowered and underpowered weapons/titans...and there will be endless patches to try and balance this game to try and make one side happy for a small amount of time...
Main reason is the balancing issues with titans and soldiers...after less than a week people will send this crap game back because of overpowered and underpowered weapons/titans...and there will be endless patches to try and balance this game to try and make one side happy for a small amount of time...
Modern Warfare 3 is now hacked to shit with invisible and invincible players for over 2 weeks WITH NO PATCH...add to that all the other call of duties were left to be hacked...
and you wonder why pre orders are down?...
All the hardcore/long time players can expect Ghosts to have a broken camera and be hacked when the new call of duty comes out...
liandrikonflict's comments