@TristanPR77 @ixSasquatchxx @frozengrudge These numbers mean nothing...anyone on amazon can make an account...including 1000 Microsoft employees and then they hit a pre-order button...NO SALE...NO MONEY EXCHANGED...NOTHING...they can cancel anytime.
@lostastsea22485 @liandrikonflict the only ones with the tinfoil hats are the the ones still defending companies in bed with NSA and say that they do nothing wrong.
When clear evidence shows the opposite...how does it feel to be a conspirator?...when these conspiracies are conspiracy fact?
@lostastsea22485 @liandrikonflict I guess you will just have to wait for the guardian to publish documents on all the products the NSA wants from these big tech companies that they paid for...but in the mean time use some logic and common sense...not a baahh baaahh sheepy attitude.
@nadal97 Some forget Nintendo Power Ove Glove...you can take out your baked cookies and play Mario at the same time...if they can weather that storm they can weather anything.
"PS4 will take 3-4 years to exhibit its true power."
mmk...I wont buy it for 4 years then.
I am pretty sure the same BS was said for the PS2 and PS3 before release...the "TRUE POWER" is still to be tapped by developers!...lol...even tho PS3 cant even handle 2 Eyepets on a screen without crumbling into stuttering dust.
liandrikonflict's comments