Well, most of the time, I agree with reviewers, but review scores are, in the end, just opinions.
GTA IV got rave reviews. I gave it a shot and didn't like it one bit at all. I found it tediously slow and repetitive. Bionic Commando got bashed like crazy, but I went on to try it anyways and had a fun blast. And in the end, as reviews go, platforming Mario will always come up to top everything else, but I'm pretty sure there are people who prefer going online to play capture the flag with 30+ other people than be all by themselves trying to do tricky jumps and double jumps.
I'm pretty sure Uncharted 2 is a great game, and I'm getting it. But the reviews just mean players who play that kind of game think the creators did a great job, and they love it. Doesn't mean it's better than this or that game that are in different genres.
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