People who write viruses like to write for a platform that'll spread like hell, so, I'd say Windows PC or UNIX workstations are the only potential targets. They don't even bother writing for Macs, let alone PS3.
liinn's forum posts
Definitely Uncharted 2 ( with Uncharted1? which I never played), and maybe Borderlands, I've to see how that one goes.
I still have tons of games I have that I want to play to the max. So many games, so little time.
I would say a person who started playing games he otherwise won't have played just to get more. Or a person who gave up on a game he wants just because the word out is, Platinum is hard.
But really, at the beginning, it was fun for some, to hunt the few games that have trophies. It was understandable. But now that every game has it, I really don't see the point of looking for them, since you'll get those when you play your game.
The Last Guardian from Team ICO.
There were way too much emphasis on PSP.
The motion sensor, though super awesome, should not be presented at this stage. But lucky for Sony, Rick and Anton were really, really funny and brought the monotonous presentation some life. So it wasn't all that bad.
Only good thing is The Last Guardian saved the day for PS3.
For me, just an okay presentation, right until The last Guardian showed up. That was a big bang.
Rick and Anton were really funny and brought the tone more alive.
That game alone is worth paying for a PS3.
I didn't know about the leaked footage. It was huge stock for me. I'm so, so stoked.
Yup, his pet looks ugly, but I think it's a good thing.
From a gamer's standpoint, it's more fun to unlock costumes that to just buy them.
But from an industry standpoint, ridiculous DLC may end up being good for the consumers. Games, when sold in physical format, most profits goes to the publishers and retailers. Since marketing is expensive, so is brick and mortar leases at prime locations. Developers who worked hard to deliver, don't get much. DLC cuts the medium handler by a lot.
If publishers start shifting more marketing to the web and PSN, and DLC eliminates the retail cut, developers would be willing to pump more resources into a $60 game.
In the case of SFIV, I think they should have left the new characters as DLC, and costumes for players to unlock.
Incredible Crisis
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