Well first off, I'm breaking what you've been saying into two points. First, you took offence to the OP's relation between soldiers and a video game character. That's fine. I have little interest/opinion in that matter because I am not of the U.S. and have little personal stake in the issue, and, as such, I wasn't referring to that in my posts. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
What I was referring to in my posts was how you managed to mesh in attacks on religion and, more specifically, what you suppose to be the, OP's beliefs. First off, you didn't present your views on beliefs from a personal level, as you claim. You used imposing rhetoric like "false truths", "propaganda", and "you are a pawn". In order to know what is "false" and "propaganda", you must obviously know what the antithesis to false is, and that is what is true. So by striking down someone else's beliefs in as such a strong way as you did, you by default claim to know what is wrong with those beliefs and what should replace them. Presenting your views is one thing, but directly attacking someone else's is another, so don't play coy.
Next, clearly you must have misunderstood the premise of the "common knowledge of most college level education courses" because to claim research as "the basis of NEW DISCOVERIES, which do not come from other people but from trial and error" is frankly incorrect and I'm pretty sure you just made it up. For the purpose of relevance, I'm going to be talking about beliefs from an anti-realist perspective, because to look at something that is subjective from an objective standpoint (which is traditionally how trial and error is used) doesn't make sense. All research and findings of "new discoveries" occur within theoretical frameworks that are learned and influenced by everything around us. In today's world that can be media, family, organizations, scholars, friends… you get the picture. So, when new discoveries are made, we acknowledge them because they are deemed relevant within our theoretical framework. And, every "new discovery' that is made, is tainted by those frameworks; we only discover them because society told us what it is that needs discovering. That means that none of us are capable of thinking for ourselves, in the true sense of the term, simply because we are members of humanity. Discoveries about beliefs don't exist outside of us waiting to be discovered, we simply choose to discover them based on how others have influenced us.
And, finally, my open-mindedness reference was at people subscribing to their beliefs so vividly that they denounce that which isn't in accord with equal vividness. It's one thing to have personal beliefs because, like you said, we all have the right to criticize and believe what we want, but when people begin to publicly espouse that harsh criticism it builds tension and serves no other purpose other than to provoke. For example, how you used that strong rhetoric I mentioned before to insult the OP's beliefs, or how a lot of religious folk denounce atheists as evil. My point was for people to keep an open-mind to others' personal beliefs, or, at least, pretend to in order to keep the peace. Like, if people are arguing about one thing, i.e. violence and sex in video games, stay on the topic. There's no need to get personal, which many people on both sides of the religious/non-religious coin have a tendency to do.
PS: I apologize to those that read it, for the longevity and dryness of this post. It's that time of year when exam have to be written, and research papers must be submitted, so I'm accustomed to making simple thoughts go on much longer than they should.
You really know how to manipulate words to dance around issues, I'll give you credit for that, you clearly attacked me for saying what was "real and what wasn't" the only thing i said that was real was the war and soldiers fighting there, the only thing that I said wasn't was a mythical man that controls all things, and that is my belief, presented in broad daylight, as it was before, to call something false is not saying you know the truth, this is not an "if not b then a" situation, if you know any college psych. There can be many truths to one falsity and once again you are assuming that I know all these things, and I am flattered that you compliment my intelligence to be that high, thank you! The OP brought religion in to this, so your argument in that regard is directed in the wrong spot, by the way the OP made his beliefs clear so I assumed nothing.
You are clearly not deep into a college curriculum, but let me make it easier on you and add a word "common knowledge of most college level SCIENCE education courses" because indeed research is what all of us graduate science students do, and whether or not you believe that discoveries are made or are a byproduct of humanities influence is just semantics, the fact of the matter is ALL doctors, professors, any strong-minded individual (maybe even yourself) does research to learn things when they can't experience things on their own, I never once said that discoveries were to be made about religion or beliefs, I said research, in general, to grow a mind, and research and experience are the only tools to grow a mind, after all most research is the study and application of others' experiences to experience something NEW (to the person doing the research of course), but as I said..just semantics..we could argue that for lifetimes, you once again have crafted all of these assumptions of what I was referring to, and that is the basis of your post and it's a very weak tactic since I was clearly not talking about anything you are, to think that ALL people are burdened with your "none of us are capable of thinking for ourselves, in the true sense of the term, simply because we are members of humanity" is a very sad point of view and I must disagree as there are many of strong minded individuals who are striving to wake the sheep up to the reality of things, I guess you have never met such a person...that I am sorry for.
I'm glad you found the Word thesaurus but all of your fancy language aside, there is no substance to your post and I feel bad that you have to resort to that tactic as well, but as you said "its that time of the year" so I can not hold that against you, by the way you contradict yourself a little too much...you may want to reread and edit your points before you click the submit button next time
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