That would be the night terror missions in X com 1. Especially the ones where you must fight the guys who make zombies out of humans. I don't think they're called reapers but at least something similar.
Try a real RPG like Baldur's gate series or Fallout series, where you can play the games several times, and different things happen because you make different choices. That's called replayability.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and the original X-com. The first because of the incredible sci-fi-feeling and the second because it's the scariest game I've ever played. Much better than Doom 3 at least.
Second, compelling story does not = Fun. I don't buy mario games to watch hour long cut scenes.
Baldur's Gate1 and 2 had 2 minutes of cut scenes in addition to the intro, and they have great storylines. It doesn't have to be a jrpg to have a great story.
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