Yes. As I do not have them myself (yet), I cannot give you that great of an opinion on the topic, but what I can say is that they do make a big difference. While they still won't compare to what your 360 has to offer, they will still greatly improve what your wii has to offer.
Why did I even click on the topic... I knew it'd be either this OLD video or a RickRoll...Hyper_Shado
almost every post i see of yours you are a jackass. and how is this video so old, its not on youtube and the date on it it june 14 THIS YEAR. check your facts before you try to act like your all that. or in fact i could be the jackass and you may be right, but until you provide evidence of this, my argument still stands. but anyways, on topic, it was a nicely done video =)
you couldve gone to a gamestop and gotten them all used for about $60 and probably even a further discount for buying so many games at once. then again you are getting yours completely new and in perfect shape/box/etc.
It's not that I didn't know what he meant, I just think that he is overthinking of what a gamer is. Just because you don't like every genre doesn't mean you're not a gamer.Bluestorm-Kalas
Apparently you didn't know what he was asking considering he never stated that you had to like every genre to be a gamer. Anyways, Dave pretty much summed it up. Granted, not all people who play sports are athletes, just like not all people that play games are gamers.
I really enjoy the game to be honest. But it really isn't worth it for even that price. If I were you I'd wait a little longer for a better game to come out, or until there is a bigger discount being offered.
Do not waste your money on the USB adapter or the LAN adapter. Buy a wireless router and have the ability to hook up everything you own. It's a waste on money to hook up one thing and that's it.
Also the signal is better and stronger from a router
Get rechargeable batteries. A set of Energizer 2500's AA plus charger is all you need. DO NOT get the charge stations. They're a waste of money also.
Classic controller if you plan on playing SNES games, everything else on the Virtual Console can be played well enough with the Gamecube controller.
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