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got to play the PS3.

Yesterday, I went with my sister and my Mom went to Best Buy and TargetĀ to get my sister a DS ( they were both out of them ). But I got to play The PS3 at both stores. But, the only game I played at both stores was Moterstorm. Here are my impressions: If I get a PS3 for my birthday ( and that's HUGE if ) I'll get this game. The graphics are great, and it had a nice since of speed. But, there are a few kinks to work out. For one, it can use the tilt in the sixaxis controller, but it can't choose if it's to sensitive, or not sensitive enough. Also, the envioment is to hard, the signs made me go flying. And, even though they are good, the graphics and the since of speed looked and felt x-box quality. But, overall, this game looked like the second game to get for the PS3.

Happy new year!!!!!!!

Well, today is the first day of 2007. Let us see what will succeed, and what will flop.

What I'm looking forward to the most of 2007:

 getting The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Pretty much a no brainer, Zelda has one of the best liniages in gaming. With classics like Ocrina of time, andĀ A Link to the Past, And Twilight Princess looks like it will continue it's proud heritage.

 getting SSBB: Super Smash Brothers Melee is my favorite fighting game. So take that, add new characters, new maps, improved graphics, and put it all online, and you've got something better then the best.

 getting a Wii: The Wii is looking hot ( despite GS ), and the possibilities of the controller is almost limitless. And with SSBB and Zelda, the Wii shows that it can do classic gaming.

Thare are more, but I don't have the time.

Lastly, the other day my friend came over. He has legend of Zelda: twilight Princess for the Gamecube. So I got to play a little bit. It was a small, but oh so satisfying taste. Now, I realy can't wait for my Wii on my Birthday.

What I got on Christmas.

today is the day where people give other people gifts. I got stuff to. I got:

2 pants,
aĀ shirt,
movie theater cupons,
a cap,
$205+a $25 check=$230,
and a MP3 player.

My MP3 play has "Brothers"- a song played in dramatic parts in the Full Metal Alchemist anime, "My December"- by Linkin Park, "Wind"- a future ending song for the Naruto anime, "Sanctuary"- by UTADA, the Theme song for Kingdom hearts II, And a interview withĀ 3 of my cusins, the oldest beingĀ 6. I soundĀ like I have a stuffy nose.

Anyway,Ā the amount of money I got throws a hitch into my getting a Wii plan. If we put our money together, me and my sister have $460 dollors. But my sister wants a DS also. so that makes it $317 total. Also, my adviser (AKA mom) said to put $185 into my Wii savings. We'll have a DS to wait untill Birthday. But, my other sister's taking me to Gamestop soon for a game, maybe later this week. Well, have a merry Christmas, and a Happy new year.

happy holidays.

Today is the day where we are saposedĀ celebrate to celebrate the birth of Jesus. but comercalisim turned it into a cash crop for the big bisnesses. Oh well, all I want to say is


Now, I probroly won't be on tomorrow. Being Christmas and all. See ya later. And if get any games, I'll review them as soon as possible after x-mas.

My plan to get a Wii.

Since I have NOTHING elseĀ to do,and I need to do something about getting out of level 20,Ā I think I will tell you my plan to get a Wii. On X-mas, me and my sister will put all of our money together, and if it's enough for a Wii, well get it. TheĀ thing is that we'll probably have to wait to get The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess untill my birthday. What do you think, huh? It's good to have a sister who wants the Wii almost as much as I do.

And finally:

6 more day until Christmas.

Game on!

Good news bad news part 3.

Good news: Yesterday, I went with my big Sister to Target so she could do her Cristmas shoping ( Don't worry, she is taking me to gamestop after X-mas for my present ). I went with her to play the Wii Demo.

Bad news: They didn't have it up. They didn't even have a station for the Wii up. All they had was a place where a Wii was behind a glass case with a movie telling me what I already know about the Wii going on above it. They did have Wii items and GAMES, but nothing playable. Oh well, atleast I got to see the Wii. So close, yet so far.

That's all for now. oh yeah

1 more week untill

That is all.

I'm have returned.

Well, I'm back. And my trip went great. Exept the motel room we stayed at. Some of the lights didn't work, there were some roaches, the T.V.'s remote had only one working function, change the station down, and ALL the buttons did that. it was a mess. But, I have returned to help with the unions.

Slight change of plans.

No, I'm not taking about my trip to New Orleans. The change of plans is that I'm not going to get Final Fantasy XII. Insted, I'm saving it, with the money I'll get at Christmas, to get a Wii.

In other news......

I'm leaving for New Orleans tomrrow. So, next time you see me, it'll be the weekend. Bye.

The update blog 3.

There is several thing I want to talk about today. First is that I think the Wii had a better launch then the PS3, like I thought. But I was wrong about one thing, though. The PS3's launch wasn't a disaster, likeĀ I thought.

The second thing is a union that has the best idea for and from GS users in a long time. That's, System wars: the comic. It's a great union, that was formedĀ  recently, so you might still be able to become an officer if the leader will let you.

The third thing is that, I've went throgh the unions I'm in, and decided to leave all but 4 of them. the 4 I'm staying are:
System wars: the comic,
The Chillin' Gamers union,
Wii Will Rock You,
and the Manisheep union. 4 great unions.

The last I need to tell is that, this wendsday, I'm going down to New Orleans for thanksgiving, and a family reunion. So I can't help out in the unions. But, I'll be back on saterday, or sunday.