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How did this happen?

GS has reviewed 2 of the most anticipated games for the Wii's launch, The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Red steel. But the reviews didn't reach my expectations. Zelda only got 8.8. I know it's more than resistance, which got 8.6. But I was hoping 9.6 at the least. I'll still get it though. Cause, 8.8 =/= bad. But Red steel was the most disapointing one. IT GOT 5.5!!!!!!!!!!! 5. FRIGGIN' 5!!!!!!!!! But, what can you expect from launch games. But still......... It's deppressing. Cause now, all the Wii haters in the system war are going to go " WH4R3 IS UR AAA G4M3 NOW HUH!11!!1!11!1111!

Happy birthday, Miyamoto.

Other people may be celebrating the launch of the PS3 today. But, in Kyoto Japan, they are celebrating a Birthday. here are his children to say "happy birthday"

 Donkey Kong

P.S. Sorry about the last pic. I wrote "happey", not "happy".

Coming soon to my PS2: A new game!

My Parents are going to get some money soon. And when they do, I'll get $60. So with it, I'm getting:

 . This game was chosen among such esteemed titles such as "Bully", and "Okami". I chose by writing down the names on pieces of paper, then pulling them out of a hat. So, when I get my money, I'll have a new game.

I also wanted to bring something up that all the Wii haters bring up. That the Wii's controller will get boring after a year or 2. K, first off, WHO THAT HELL REALLY CARES ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN 2 YEARS!!!!!!! I'll have fun with it now. The second thing is that, that's how ALL innovation happens. They announce it, we get exited, they release it, we have lots of fun, then it becomes the standard. So, enjoy it now, then complain when it arrives.

Well, that is all I wanted to say. What do you think of this decision? let me know. Bye.

blog refinement.

Well, I've had the same blog for a while, so I decided to make some changes. First, I have a new icon, and I like it. Also, 3 new pics. The first is oh so true. the 3rd one is, just thare. and the last shows that Metal gear solid IV will show you what a true barrel roll is. and I''ve got the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess box. Incase your wondering what it looks like.

Well, as for life updates, nothing much. Playing Runescape more since, well, the games are in my big sister's room, and she's asleep all day. and I have NOTHING to do.
Well, bye, and school all who say " LOL, i 4m t3h 1337, 4dn u r t3h sox00rs. l3t m3h f1pi u ova 4 M4SS1VE D4M4G3!!!1!!11!11!!!111 LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL ROFLMAO. I'M t3H Funy, ur nt0, u sok." bye.

How my Haloween went.

So, I said that I would lay down in the leaves and scare people today. Well I didn't do that. But I did go trick-or-treating. And I went all by myself. And I got plenty of candy. Not alot, but enough. Oh, and Ray06, here's a Twix.

In other news

Nintendo announced 2 things about the Wii. For one, Thare will be 62 games for launch and launch window. 32 Wii games, and 30 virtual console downloads. It's not as good as I would like. For one, thare is no "The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" or "The legend of Zelda: A Link to the past". But it does have The NES "The Legend of Zelda".
The 2nd thing is that they, at thare "Nintendo world" tour starting this friday, will unvail a new trailer for Super Smash Brothers Brawl. AWESOME, AWESOME!!!! And yes, I said THIS Friday. Even more AWESOME! I can't wait.

I fear metal slime has come on Halloween.

I am.........LEVEL 20! DUN DUN DUN DUN. oh, and happy HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! This year, I'm going to lay down in the front yard, wearing black clothes, covered with leaves, and scare trick-or-treaters. That will be fun. If I'm not doing anything.

My Wii wish list. And My first reaction to the Revol uh Wii.

As you know, the Wii is nearly upon us (so is the PS3, but nothing that appeals to me). So I decided to type down my Wii wish list.

Obviously this game is on the list, The legend of Zelda: The wind waker is my favorite game, so I am VERY excited about this on. the gameplay and graphics are awesome looking. And getting it at launch won't hurt ether, which it will be.

This game was the first game to show screenshots, and they looked great. And I've always been behind it. From the GI article, to the less than average E3 showing, to the great showing at the New York conference. I've always been a believer. expect to see this Katana-swinging, Yakuza-driven game along-side the launch of the Wii.

With every great System, there must be a great fighter. Super samsh brothers brawl is that. You take Super smash brothers melee ( which GS gave a 8.5, and I gave it a 10.0 ), and ad new charecters like Pit [kid icarus], Wario [Warioware version], and a surprise charecter, Solid snake [from MGS]. And improved graphics, and the heavy posiblity of online, you have the makings of a amazing fighter. Unfortunaly, this one won't be ready untill 2007, which I understand. Because the Wii's Wi-Fi online won't be ready untill then.

When Nintendo unvailed the Wii's (then called "Revolution") controller, everybody's first reaction to it was "Metriod prime 3." And they were right. The 3rd, and final, entry into the Metriod prime trilogy. Metriod Prime 3: Couruption is looking to be a graphicly amazing game for the Wii, and proves that the Wii's graphics are not "t3h sox00rs". And the gameplay looks incredible. But, like SSBB, it won't be here untill Wii's online is here. So we'll have to wait alittle longer then expected.

That is NOT all the Wii games I want. they are just the ones I want the most.
Anyway, I said I'd tell you my reaction towards the Wii's life span has been so far

It all started at E3, when Nentendo unvailed the revolution. Unfortunaly, all they showed was a trailer of MP3 with GC tech. And they were pushing for the next SSB. But the biggest announcement was the virtual console. NES, SNES, N64, and GC, games for download called the "Virtual console" [later Nintendo announced saga ganesis, and Turbographics games would be available for the Virtual console]. But no games.
Fast-forward through to Tokyo game show '05 (TGS), when Nintendo unvailed the controller. When I first saw it, I said "oh well, I'm mostly a Nintendo fan, I'll find a way". Untill I learned of the Motion sensitivity. Then I went "AWSOME" then, I told my sisters all about it when they came home.
But a month before e3 '06, they unvailed the real name, Wii. I, like EVERYbody else, giggled.
But, a mounth later, e3 '06. And then nobody cared what the name was, Because it was fun. It won e3 '06.

well now you know the history of the Wii so far. Wii may never truly get over the name. but Wii will have fun with it anyway.

New review.

 It's a fun game, even though it's kid-friendly. But as a side note. This is not my game. I bowrrowed it from a friend a long time ago, when my GC worked. But now, since I'm out of games to review, I'm going to review games my friend has. and he has a lot of games.